I posted about this before, it's still not been addressed. Took my nifty Horizon class ship into that patrol where you collect particles from bits of the Doomsday Machine (I don't recall which it was offhand, I quit the game in disgust). I went to the first one, and the SECOND they were inside 10km, I got hit with one of these things. My shields were at full power, hull at full power. ONE hit, and I'm at 13% hull. Now, this wasn't SO bad in the first group, because there was just the one cruiser spamming it every 10 seconds. Later groups though... every 3 seconds, there's another one doing it, over and over. Only takes 2, since they do 80-90% of your hull with no way to prevent it. Shields are pointless, they're magically beaming through them. Polarizing hull didn't help. Tactical Team, assuming you HAVE it AND can activate it in the 100th of a second you have before it explodes, frequently fails to cleanse it... and won't be recycled before the NEXT one hits you.
This ability is BROKEN. Badly broken. It really needs to have a revamp to put some logical limits on it.
First, it should be limited to transporter range. Second, it should not function through shields. You CANNOT BEAM THROUGH SHIELDS. This is so thoroughly established through almost SIXTY YEARS of Star Trek. Third, it needs to do only as much damage as a photon torpedo can do. Fourth, it shouldn't recharge so they are using it every 10 seconds. It's bad enough when ONE ship is doing it, but when there's half a dozen of them, it's a guaranteed I win button, and it shouldn't be that way. Increase the cooldown. Finally, there needs to be a better way to clear it. MANY ships won't have Tactical Team, and as I mentioned, Tac Team is unreliable at best.
This power is sorely broken and needs fixing.
In the photo from your linked previous post you have room for A2SIF in the spot where you're using boarding party (marked in red)..
I'd also consider swapping Emergency Power to Shields with Emergency Power to Weapons and including a copy of Photonic Officer to get your abilities available more often. You also have room for Attack Pattern Beta.
All these things come together to make those pesky Mokai less of a pain
Here's a pic of my Bird of Prey bridge officer stations..