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Ideas I had for a long time about STO and I want to communicate to DECA

oclosoclos Member Posts: 51 Arc User
edited September 2024 in Federation Discussion
Users can support too I guess, if they find them usefull. Some I have seen requested in the past and I would like them too, so with the transition to DECA happening soon(Between USA elections date and End of year 2024? If I'd have to guess which I don't, I'd say end of October2024 - mid November 2024? That's my personal interpretation of the wording used when they most recently informed us about it) I thought of bringing them up / reminding them again. I tried to categorize them for easier reading this time. See bellow.

SHIPS related
-Pathyeagers as UFP-wide ship carrier pets(there was a design by Pundus for 2021 April Fools that seemed plausible, but schematics and such exist on Memory Beta anyway if needed).

-S type Series of Shuttles - Kinda like the T6 ships. 3F/2Aft weapons, 2x Each Console slots(6 in total) and can(?) be upgraded to SX2(adding Universal slots,device etc.), where if/when we get to, we get their account-wide available version as hangar pets(meant as incentive to acquire them if needed).

-Bundle of Shuttles that utilizes S type shuttlecraft. Some small craft/scout ships could be added to also be available as S-Type existing and new. Examples: ENT shuttle, 32c. shuttle, Nkaam, T'Pau, Jellyfish, Phoenix etc.

-Extra incentive to use S-Type Shuttlecraft: When there is a desicion to "nerf" an ability/device or weapon, create an -S type version of said ability, device or weapon, so if one has said stuff, gets the nerfed versions AND the S-Type versions in their account, but someone that didn't can only get the nerfed version from then on. So S-shuttles can be used to at least complete the normal version of a mission, maybe with an accolade(completed said mission with a shuttle). (Can be with time expiration 6 months to 2 years, so it's nerfed for shuttles too eventually).

-Along with that system, we should get a Shuttle bridges pack and a shuttles external appearence pack. ENT shuttle, TOS shuttle, DISCO/32c. Shuttle, TNG Era shuttle(per minimum. I'd like other eras too, like the Galactic Union and the Wells class Timetravel era, but it's more up to you, resources allocation issue). So e.g. one runes the "Diplomatic orders" mission. They see their chosen shuttle skin for that character landing and taking off, and the same stands for other similar scenes(for immersion/Space Barbie purposes which is important in STO). The bridges inner bit should have space for at least 3-5 visible Boff seats + the character, and at least 3(1 Tac, 1 Engi, 1 Sci) Lt.Com. Seats or higher for the loadout. For some or all you could add Pilot and M.Worker etc. too I suppose.

FLEETS related
-More Drawers/Storage boxes for fleet storage installation. It's been years. There is way more stuff to store now.

-Should be made possible if one uses an Alteration token during a "Recruit" event and the token is consumed, even if they don't make any change but for the appropriate to the event faction, to be able to inherit the "recruit" specification(e.g Temporal, Gamma, Delta, etc). That would also make it more of a point of interest and sought after. Else, in my case for instance, I have some characters I would change their faction for that reason, but otherwise there is no real motive to get and use one.

GEAR related
-EPIC XV gear should be usable by all characters at their maximum possible rank(e.g. for Captains the Mk number that applies to them, but if unequiped retaining their max rank and if re-applied take the rank the Boff or character has now.)

-Elite Boffs, or maybe all Boffs should get a second "idle"(not usable) weapon slot that we can use to keep a specialized weapon for until we want to use it(e.g. anti Borg weapons like the Infinity Modulator Rifle)

-Character/Costume Tailor Updates: Cryptic had probably the best character creation technology and I'm assuming DECA is inheriting that by taking over the game. I'm wondering if they could update it too, expanding it. Like forming the teeth. Also allowing the costume updates for Holloboffs, few have it and it could add to the game. Also, add a Robin Curtis' Saavik like curly hair piece. It would help alot with the variety in characters.

-Tailor fixed like auto saving a version of the modified or created costume before purchase, since sometimes it refuses to be applied. Also in loading a costume, it doesn't load it well or messes with it if there where pips/rank applied, so load a pipless/rankless version of it and restore pips/rank as it where afterwards, upon pressing the purchase button(or some workaround clearly explained to players before it is applied).

-Retexturing of older costumes with latest/better quality skin materials(e.g TOS UFP costume, ENT starfleet costume and others).

-NX-01 Hat/Baseball Hat

-2380 pants for 2380 costume. It's a lobi costume, it should have its own pants and not require another costume(namely 32c. one I believe) set just to get the pants and their color right.

-Naming Alien species we created in tailor using custom names for(even if only we can see them - I guess it would exclude established cannon ones, but up to DECA)

-Can we get the Kelvin Timeline Wetsuit as uniform option(able to use badges)?

Cheers and have a nice time!

Edited for a clarification
Adm. Necheyev didn't own ANY Starfleet ships. Starfleet did. Also she didn't make one bolt, connect a single wire, gelpack or device, or otherwise helped on making them. I find it presumptuous she claimed it was HER ships. In fact saying as much would probably warranty a reprimand from any of her superiors in Federation and possibly not participating in said actions as other superior personnel do, would in our days(2409 onwards) result in herself facing the same fate as what she has threatened, in that same penal colony.
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