Hi guys,
Been working through some of the catagories of Doff missions and got some to max.
I don't have much done on espionage and trade and recruitment though so wondering where I get those ?
I know theres the current map missions and theres the personal. SO which area do I need to be in to get some of those missions ? Up until now i've been doing Earth Spacedock.
Some categories of mission just have more available than others. I'm still only on Rank 3 on some.
Infiltrate the Orion Syndicate, Debrief Prisoner, Interrogation Resistance Programme, Telepathic Interrogation Resistance Programme and Uncover Intelligence Leak. All of these offer a decent chunk of Espionage XP and a few have byproducts of receiving contraband upon a critical success. Worth repeating them. Espionage is easier to max out than some.
Recruitment & Trade usually take longer...
Recruitment - the way I did it was to break down all my unwanted green doffs to white ones for fleet donation, using the mission at Starfleet Academy. It's laborious work but you get Recruitment XP for each doff you break down. The quickest way of disposing of unwanted doffs of any colour is to simply dismiss them - you'll get a small amount of Recruitment XP for each dismissal. Mounts up if you have huge numbers to dispose of. Boff recruitment missions give this XP too.
Otherwise some of the Colonisation Cluster missions offer good amounts with doff rewards at the end. Some of these also give large amounts of Colonial XP too, another area which can take longer to progress.
Resettle Colonists appears regularly in ESD orbit or in sector space - This gives you five colonists and Colonial XP. These can be used in the Relocate Colonists To Federation Space mission which gives dilithium and Colonial/Recruitment XP. These two missions can be repeated endlessly.
Trade - Two daily missions at your Fleet's Dilithium Mine offer good amounts of Trade XP, especially on a critical success. Namely Mine Motherload Of Valuable Materials and Mine Dilithium Motherlode. Also doing the Turn Over Confiscated Contraband from the Security Officer on ESD nets you over 400 XP each time.
Going to the Undine Battlezone (via the Dyson Sphere) and moving your ship forward just a little from where you first appear. A selection of different doff missions are available from here. All these give good amounts of XP for different doff areas, including Trade and Espionage. If you go to DS9 there is a trader NPC near Quark's who has a variety of Trade doff missions too.
Also, be aware that wherever you are in space, if you visit your ship bridge and it has a Duty Officer terminal, very often checking each doff area from here will bring up missions that weren't visible from the space screen. Worth checking them for missions that offer the XP you need.
The Trader on DS9 really is a good source for trade cxp. The Tour the Galaxy mission also gives trade and exploration cxp for every block you finish.