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Countdown timers for Process Unrefined Dilithium duty officer assignments

Would it be possible to show countdown timers for both the Mining Foreman (fleet dilithium mine) and Veteran Dilithium Refiner (starfleet academy) assignments under the "View Cooldowns" button in the TFO section in the same way Phoenix prize pack giveaways show up appear (and summer even shows now as well)?

The Duty officer assignments for reference:



  • ktstgt#6029 ktstgt Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    I bet this was asked a thousand times before ... :)
    But I agree, the absence of both dil refinement timers is absolutely annoying.

    In fact, a real improvement of the game would be an overview page (perhaps placed in the journal dialog window with its own tab) listing all active toon timers, including dil refinements, important doff timeouts (e.g. colonization chains), and of course the "tour of duty" admirality assignments. It could even contain active TFO, patrol and event timeouts. And don't forget the reputation tasks and fleet projects ;)

    The game is stuffed with timeouts. An overview of that kind would strongly help managing the toons. A real Starfleet with real personnel would provide that management service to their captains :)

    Adding filters, like "available", "below 1 hour", "...2 hours", "...4 hours" and "...8 hours" to narrow the list and an output ordered by the timer values could make it a real luxury. It wouldn't even need live counting ui timers. A state display with a refresh button showing a title, a category, and of course the timer value would suffice.
  • inferiorityinferiority Member Posts: 4,614 Arc User
    There's never been cooldown timers on Duty Officer missions that we've been able to see.
    Would be handy, though.
    - - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Everyone has a better name and Youtube Channel than me...  :/
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