So I just had a question about event buyouts. Specifically for the summer event this year. Now I've seen some buyouts last 200+ days. Will that be the case for this summer event?
I noticed the buyout currency is lobi. I wont have the lobi to buy the event out until after i've reached the progress max on the event campaign. I need to buyout the event because i have commitments for July and i almost never have lobi.
TL;dr will the summer event buyout be around long enough to use the Lobi reward from the Event Campiagn to buyout the summer event to get the ship?
Summer Event is usually a Lobi buyout. There is usually a bit of a greace period after an event ends to buy it out. Last summer's event was an outlier in how long it could be bought though, I wouldn't count on having that much time.
I have a screenshot from 12/20/2023 that has the Summer Event (Ended) on it still (which should mean Buyout would be functional, but I just ground it out during the normal time), along with the 'Seasonal: Winter' live on the Event screen. So, you might be in luck, pending things go the same way this year and the Event Campaign finishes up around then or before (it also was in the screenshot). Though, it should be noted that things have been different this year, with a longer Event Campaign and other things changing with the transition over to DECA (new studio) on top. Though, I would try to get in on as many days as you can without ruining your RL summer, as each day drops the amount of Lobi needed by 50.
well, hopefully it will be the case. I have no lobi (came back to the game just afer the event that rewarded 500), hence the reason for the question. If not, its not the end of the world. I just want this ship so bad! I was ready to spend $60 on it, as awful as that is.
If you have EC, you could buy keys on the exchange and unlock loot boxes. If you have dil you can sell it for some zen and buy keys in the C-Store. If you have neither, you can buy keys the next time they're on sale but that will be expensive since lock boxes only contain about 5 lobi.
Also, if you play on PC and are traveling you can run STO on pretty much any Windows PC not just a gaming PC. If you turn down settings intel graphics are probably good enough. You could sneak in the 10 minutes for the jetpack whenever you have a little free time.
dude, seriously.. you can't spend less than 10 minutes a day for 20 days?
potentially not. me and my friend are growing a garden. requires nmaintenance, and i wont have access to STO at her house. and i committed to be there frequently throughout july, including staying over while she is away on vacation so the garden doesnt die.
dude, seriously.. you can't spend less than 10 minutes a day for 20 days?
potentially not. me and my friend are growing a garden. requires nmaintenance, and i wont have access to STO at her house. and i committed to be there frequently throughout july, including staying over while she is away on vacation so the garden doesnt die.
It will be in Mudd's in due course, and to be honest, will be cheaper than throwing Lobi at it.
"You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
I have a screenshot from 12/20/2023 that has the Summer Event (Ended) on it still (which should mean Buyout would be functional, but I just ground it out during the normal time), along with the 'Seasonal: Winter' live on the Event screen. So, you might be in luck, pending things go the same way this year and the Event Campaign finishes up around then or before (it also was in the screenshot). Though, it should be noted that things have been different this year, with a longer Event Campaign and other things changing with the transition over to DECA (new studio) on top. Though, I would try to get in on as many days as you can without ruining your RL summer, as each day drops the amount of Lobi needed by 50.
Also, if you play on PC and are traveling you can run STO on pretty much any Windows PC not just a gaming PC. If you turn down settings intel graphics are probably good enough. You could sneak in the 10 minutes for the jetpack whenever you have a little free time.
potentially not. me and my friend are growing a garden. requires nmaintenance, and i wont have access to STO at her house. and i committed to be there frequently throughout july, including staying over while she is away on vacation so the garden doesnt die.
It will be in Mudd's in due course, and to be honest, will be cheaper than throwing Lobi at it.