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Updating Ninja build for Borg Battle Royale

questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,460 Arc User
For the upcoming TFO called Borg Battle Royale (supposedly a Borg Inspired Sompek) i figured it's time to dust off the old Ninja build.

This build is primarily for an engineer, but career specific modules can be replaced by universal modules for similar effect.

The thought behind the topic is to give ideas for a ground build and discuss anything i might have missed/ alternatives for other careers.

Species: Joined Trill
Faction: Federation
Career: Engineer

Kit module: Versatile Engineering kit with battle Strategies. - used this one for the small boost but any kit with kit performance should do.

Gear: Romulan Operative set
Used this set because of stealth, run speed and increased crit chance.

In a team the old https://sto.fandom.com/wiki/Omega_Force_(Ground) set is also a solid option because of the team ambush field.

Secondary weapon: Either Section 31 Phaser Pistol because it reduces Threat generation or a Sword (lobi variants optional) because Ninja.

Kit modules:
- Cloaked Mine Barrier (Gamma rep). For non engineers this can be replaced by mission reward Tetryon Mine Barrier

- Flare Mortar. This kit module both activates the stealth feature on the Romulan Operative set, but it also gives stealth and dodge to the whole team. Engineer specific.
Alternatives: Elachi kit module - Subspace rift or Intel kit module: Photonic Decoy.

- Engineering kit: Sabotage. This module both damages mechanical foes and disables ranged weapons.
Alternatives: Miracle Worker kit module: Logic Bomb

- Ambush Turret Fabrications or Mudd's Time device. The first because it fits the ambush theme and the second because it reduces cooldown.

- Intel Kit Module: Sonic suppression Field. This often overlooked modules gives threat reduction and flanking buff. Good synergy with dropping mines/bombs all over the place.

- Intel Kit module Feign Disintegration. reactive stealth. Good synergy with dropping mines all over the battlefield

Honorable mention:
- Transphasic Bomb. Bigger bang, but longer deployment + manual activation
- Mission Reward: Plasma Feedback Cascade. If anyone dares to shoot at you they get instant karma
- Colony universal Kit module - Plasma Blastwave Turret (360 degree shotgun range plasma blastwave). nice synergy
- Gravity Containment Unit: Draws in enemies onto fresh minefield.
- Smoke Gell Trap. Combination mine/hold
- Kit Module - Kligat
- Kit module - Toxin Dart Launcher
- Weapon: Leck's Throwing knives

So what options did i miss / how would you folks improve this basic build.

This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
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