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  • sharpfangjr#5006 sharpfangjr Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    Wow, alright. Thanks for the help people.
  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,460 Arc User
    Should I farm the nakhul or romulan sets for my away team?
    Interesting question - both sets are fine for bridge officers, but there's two Romulan sets from missions and one of them has a kit frame as a component, which bridge officers cannot use by default.

    Also, if you're struggling with ground combat, the number of enemies present at one time is a factor.

    Saying all that, I think there's four sets you might want to consider farming:
    1. Romulan Imperial Navy:
      A relatively short mission with very little space or ground combat. The disadvantage here being the set is made up of armor, shield, and kit-frame. But, if you've made your Bridge Officer an Elite, then it might be worth considering.
    2. Furtive Perseverance:
      An alternative set to the one above. Again the mission has little combat with only a few enemy NPC's or ships at a time.
      Made from shield, armor, and weapon, this doesn't need bridge officers made Elite to use all parts.
    3. Excessive Development:
      A trickier one to farm due to a sequence mid-way through the mission that sets waves of enemies at you for a few minutes.
      Another set made of shield, armor and weapon.
    4. Na'kuhl Temporal Operative:
      Another set made of shield, armor and weapon, but maybe the most tiring one to farm. It's a long mission with a couple of sequences of waves of enemies.

    Of course, you could mitigate repetitiveness and boredom by farming all four.
    Play each mission once to get a feel for them and one piece from each set; then replay each mission for the second parts, finishing with a third set of replays for the third parts.
    Alternatively, farm the easier sets first to help farm the trickier sets.

    Of course, once you're set up, you'll want to get some Reputation sets, or even Lobi sets.

    Keep an eye on the Events that happen ingame as you can sometimes get some nice enough rewards to use until you get something better.

    The kentari (Excessive Development) set is one of my favorites which can absolutely wreck borg bosses because the damage is a DoT instead of direct. Have not seen the Borg adapt to it yet.

    Drawback of this set is that it relies on building charges on target so it is less suited for fast paced scenarios like the Borg Battle Royale.
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • nixie50nixie50 Member Posts: 1,317 Arc User
    couple things. assuming the toon is level 65 no one has discussed traits. if you don't have traits assigned or the wrong traits assigned, you are bound to have difficulty. if you are using beams, you don't want cannon proficiency, for example.
    Did OP do this last grind? sounds like he could use one of the phoenix ships, especially the bajoran interceptor.
    We Need BERETS in the tailor
  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,094 Arc User
    The OP did ask about ground sets to farm for their away team, over a month ago. But aside from that single question about their away team, this thread has focused entirely on how to build a ship for good reason.

    It may be an inconvenient truth, but until some of the basics are taken care of, it really isn't going to matter whether or not a player who is struggling a little with missions..
    • Grinds for specific away team gear.
    • Has specific traits.
    • Has a single specific console.

    Based upon my experience, in space the largest returns by far will come from bridge officer ability selection, cooldown reduction (i.e. Photonic Officer), bridge officer ability actuation, and practice.

    For ground, the largest returns by far will come from kit module selection, cooldown reduction, kit module actuation, and practice.

    These are the things I've tried to illustrate and emphasize over my previous 12 posts in this thread.

    Bake a nice cake first, then put some icing on it :smile:
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