There's only three Competitive TFOs and people hardly play the ones there. This makes it hard to get Assessed Stratagem components in order to buy stuff from the Competitive Reputation.
It needs both a few more Ground and Space TFOs, and i think a remake of the current ones so people will actually play them.
However, I do think there's a gap needing filled here - not necessarily needing new TFO's, but something to encourage players to participate in the existing TFO's.
Endeavors, perhaps?
A new Event?
A daily/weekly mission?
There's a lack of Competitive TFOs and i think some PVE ones would be good too instead of being kind of PVP against other players.
PVP is dead and has been for a long time now so why people avoid those TFOs, some good PVE competitive style ones would be good, i know everyone will play those.