What do you mean? They are still in the Zen store under items tab, boots category. If your talking about free boosts you can get small ones from the 14th Anniversary event by doing the Omega Molecule Stabilization mission for Q. Pick the Emote box and one of the options is the 25k boost or if you've already got all the emotes that's your only choice.
When the first contact day event rolls around you can get large xp boosts from that event.
Check the exchange, it's better to buy them for credits than zen. Also, Duty Officer missions will get you a fair amount of XP leveling up and Admiralty will get you a huge amount of XP at endgame.
FYI, you can also find fleet mark and fleet credit boosts there if you are gearing up a new captain.
If you're still levelling up to 65 or trying to quickly fill out your specialisation trees one alternative to experience boosts is the various Research Assignments from lockboxes or the Exchange. Assuming you've at least unlocked the Duty Officer system at level 11. Each starts a one time Duty Officer mission that awards some dilithium, R&D mats and a large amount of experience.
Gamma Quadrant Research (5 different missions)
Hur'q Research (5 different missions)
Terran Empire Research (5 different missions)
Tzenkethi Intelligence (5 different missions)
23rd Century Research (5 different missions)
Mirror Incursion Research (10 different missions)
Temporal Research (10 different missions)
Zhat Vash Cold Cases (5 different missions)
They don't take up a Duty Officer mission slot, so as long as you have enough duty officers to send on them, you could have up to 50 of these missions running at a time, each with a large experience reward. They run for four hours so you can power-level using them in a very short space of time, especially when used during a bonus experience weekend. (like the one running now until the 29th)
On top of the big chunk of experience for each mission, there is an accolade and a dilithium bonus for completing every mission in a set, and again for gaining a critical success in all missions in a set.
When the first contact day event rolls around you can get large xp boosts from that event.
FYI, you can also find fleet mark and fleet credit boosts there if you are gearing up a new captain.
Gamma Quadrant Research (5 different missions)
Hur'q Research (5 different missions)
Terran Empire Research (5 different missions)
Tzenkethi Intelligence (5 different missions)
23rd Century Research (5 different missions)
Mirror Incursion Research (10 different missions)
Temporal Research (10 different missions)
Zhat Vash Cold Cases (5 different missions)
They don't take up a Duty Officer mission slot, so as long as you have enough duty officers to send on them, you could have up to 50 of these missions running at a time, each with a large experience reward. They run for four hours so you can power-level using them in a very short space of time, especially when used during a bonus experience weekend. (like the one running now until the 29th)
On top of the big chunk of experience for each mission, there is an accolade and a dilithium bonus for completing every mission in a set, and again for gaining a critical success in all missions in a set.