In Item Sold on the Exchange mails, it'll give an EC amount like 2000000.
I Recommend adding a comma like you do with other values, so it's 2,000,000.
Your assets have commas, your EC, your marks, your Dilithium, even your salvage. And commas are used when shopping on the exchange.
So I would like them in mails too.
My reasoning.. If it's a value with a lot of 0s or 9s, I often find myself counting the digits to see how much it really is. Since they kind of blur together after a certain point. 199999999. Is that 20million or 200million? 199,999,999 Oh it's 200million.
Something kind of like this.
It'd sure be a great tweak to have separators in the emails, but I wonder how easy it would be to implement.
I feel this may be something that might forever remain on our 'wishlist'.