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Abilities on console that cannot auto-execute or are not verified yet


I heard there was some discussion here about enable auto-execute for abilities that still don't have that functionality on console. First, I want to thank everyone for the latest batch of updates! That was fantastic. I've been maintaining a list of (not comprehensive yet) abilities that auto-execute, and I've isolated a list of abilities that either a) do not have auto-execute or b) haven't been tested yet. I hope this can help the development team identify and prioritize which ones to work on next.



  • Yeah, I'll echo this sentiment.

    Thank you guys SO much for revisiting auto execute abilities for console players. I love you all. Keep up the good work.

    You guys made a lot of players happy with the added updates, but I would do some downright shameful things to get our hotkeys unlocked from specific groups lol.

    Oh, can we get some clarification on what "enemy of sufficient rank" means, please?
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