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BOFF Trainer Menu and BOFF skills display suggestions

dp1149dp1149 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
Please forgive me if it's been suggested before - I didn't have time or inclination to wade through 100+ pages of search results about the BOFF trainer. Suggest the BOFF trainer menu layout be changed as follows:

1) Divide the skills into space and ground groups. In the BOFF skills display, space is left and ground is right, so it makes sense (to me, anyway) that space should be first in the trainer list, followed by ground.
2) Within each group, list the three main classes followed by the specializations. BOFF skills are listed in that order, so it seems (again, to me) that the trainer menu should match.
3) Skill set listings should still be listed from lowest to highest rank, but be alphabetized within each rank. Currently, only Miracle Worker is in order; the rest are in no apparent order at all.

Engineering S
Science S
Tactical S
Command S
Intelligence S
Miracle Worker S
Pilot S
Temporal Operative S

Engineering G
Science G
Tactical G
Command G
Intelligence G
Miracle Worker G
Temporal Operative G

Hope that all made sense to someone!
Damn the torpedoes, warp speed ahead!
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