(First part of traceroute removed for user's security. - BMR)
6 * * * Request timed out.
7 37 ms 25 ms 24 ms uk-lon01b-ri1-ae-25-0.aorta.net []
8 * * * Request timed out.
9 23 ms 24 ms 14 ms be2871.ccr42.lon13.atlas.cogentco.com []
10 100 ms 101 ms 101 ms be2101.ccr32.bos01.atlas.cogentco.com []
11 106 ms 102 ms 101 ms be2378.rcr51.b002133-1.bos01.atlas.cogentco.com []
12 105 ms 105 ms 105 ms
13 113 ms 105 ms 105 ms
14 111 ms 101 ms 99 ms patchserver.crypticstudios.com []
And still I'm rubberbanding and have interact delays in the Dyson Battlezone.
I refuse to believe this is a PC or my ISP issue.
I've been running TFO's on maximum graphic settings and my CPU is not going above 8% usage, Memory 28% and disc isn't going above 6% and no Lag, rubberbanding or interact problems in TFO's such as ISA/CURE/STARBASE 1/BREACH/Viscous Cycle/Bug Hunt/Swarm or Tzenkethi Front
It is only the Ground Dyson Battlezone
I really thought buying a good specced machine would solve this issue, as previously I was running a Late 2013 iMac via an external ssd on bootcamp with a GT 750M with 1 GB of Ram and 8GB.
Other than turning the settings from medium to full there really is no difference in the games performance between a 10 year old iMac jury rigged to play this game and a brand spanking new machine. I'm tempted to take this PC back and exchange it for something half the price as the specs I have are completely overkill and a waste
Nice computer, but complete overkill for playing STO. Personally, I don't even have any of the problems you are experiencing regarding DYSON BATTLEZONE THE LAG AND RUBBERBANDING ZONE and I have a 5 year old i5 and a gtx 1650 16gb ddr4. But just a bit offtopic, experience a lot Nice computer, but complete overkill for playing STO. Personally, I don't even have any of the problems you are experiencing regarding DYSON BATTLEZONE THE LAG AND RUBBERBANDING ZONE and I have a 5 year old i5 and a gtx 1650 16gb ddr4. But just a bit offtopic, experience a lot https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/startrekonline/#/discussion/1269464/disconnected-when-switching-maps-space-ground .
So no, you don't have to say it's the players' side, the rubber banding - disconnecting and everything that went wrong in the last one is getting worse and worse without a solution or the player being informed about it makes people work on it. One would almost start to think doom and see STO as a zombie walking on its last legs where one wants to squeeze the last bite of money.
I don't have the latest computer myself. My son built it for me years ago and works on it for me. It's probably just in the specs needed for STO. I do experience some lag and rubberbanding in Dyson, but also in other areas like ESD. Those two mostly, though sector space will rubberband as well as Romulan Patrols. Sector Space and flying doesn't always rubberband, but ESD and Dyson Space and Ground will lag and rubberband for me.
Now a LTS and loving it.
Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything.
So no, you don't have to say it's the players' side, the rubber banding - disconnecting and everything that went wrong in the last one is getting worse and worse without a solution or the player being informed about it makes people work on it. One would almost start to think doom and see STO as a zombie walking on its last legs where one wants to squeeze the last bite of money.