So, I have a question about chat policy...
Last night, in DPS-Bronze, I was chatting about how to "solo afk" SB1 by using the jellyfish ship, parking it in the center of the map, and activating the clicky until the end. By myself, with no one else involved.
Someone who either wasn't happy with the chat, or was an idiot and didn't read it properly, reported me for "afk."
I wasn't in a queue TFO, or anything that day, for at least 12 hours prior. So I definitely didn't play with that person. In fact, I haven't even played a public pug in probably a year.
Fun fact, I don't even USE the jellyfish ship on my account. Cryptic devs would be able to see that I've never even opened one of those packs.
Yet, I got a 24h suspension anyway.
That person was just a jerk for no reason.
To my question:
So, how do I get a report for afk simply from chatting? Can a moderator explain that to me?
I've never had a report on my 13 year old LTS account before.
To the person that reported me:
I hope you're happy, and that made you feel big. I'm sorry your life sucks so much you have to report someone talking about how to play the game using the equipment provided by the devs in a way that doesn't actually hurt anyone.
Sad part is, I rarely even talk in chat, and I stopped pugging so I don't have to deal with people. Now I'm just going to leave chat minimized and completely treat the game as an offline, single player game, because people suck.
LTS Since Beta (Jan 2010).