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the bio of Capt. Parsley Straenj

par5l3ypar5l3y Member Posts: 4 Arc User
I seem to have run out of room in game for my full bio/story. I will be adding to it in the future. :)

-Parsley Straenj-

Full Name: Parsley Straenj
Rank(s): Ambassador, Doctor (not a bricklayer), Elite Admiral,
Senior Fleet Officer, Pilot, Lover of Fine Gorn.
Current Assignment:
U.S.S. Eris NX-92323-B
Species: Alien Hybrid
result of illegal experimentation
(Allasomorph, Andorian, Bandi, Bolian, Deltan, Gorn, Kelpien,
Reptilian-Xindi, Trill, Vorta, with no fewer than 2 cats, several
squirrels, some kind of house plant and unidentifiable traces of
genetic material of unknown origins)
Gender: Female
Hatched: Stardate: 53038.38
Home planet: Nimbus III
Known Relatives:
(Adopted Mother): Melody Straenj
(Brood-mate/ Brother): Paisley Straenj, a.k.a.
Tastes like Chicken; host of the Tastes Like Chicken Show -
<;F Sundays, noon est- http://dawnradio.dj-fritz.com 7:>
*Known KDF Agent-
Appearance Anomalies:
Chameleon: variable chromatophilic adaptation of skin, hair, ocular colorations, and ear structure
Skeletal Swelling: unique bone structure capable of limited expansion/contraction.
Height: 4'11 or 6'5
Weight; 110lbs

-Excerpt from ship's logs-
U.S.S Eris NCC-92323
Captain: Beauregard Fnord

"Captain's log, Stardate: 53020.7.
We have been dispatched to follow up on a lead to the whereabouts of Dr. Hgeourg Dumast'Faushtcian, a mentally disturbed Vidiian (Sociopathic, Paranoid) who escaped from the Elbe II asylum on stardate 51525. We are en' route to Drozana Station to meet with the informant (Mr. Soume Guuy), who claims to have information on his location."

"Captain's log, Stardate 53025.9.
Final Log entry; We have sustained significant and extensive damage to almost every system on the ship, Thank the Stars life-support, and communications are still intact. But most likely, the Eris will have to be scrapped. There are retrieval ships on the way to ferry the crew back to Earth Spacedock; I have approved extended leave on Drozana until they arrive. We were following the rather vague and somewhat over-descriptive tip when Dr. Dumast'Faushtcian ambushed us outside of Trealus II in the Ba'aja system in what appeared to be a heavily modified Romulan research vessel. After a lengthy and vicious battle, we disabled his ship; sensors detected a large number of life forms onboard, the majority of which were juveniles and developing eggs. I dispatched a security team to
apprehend Dr. Dumast'Faushtcian, and a 2nd Medical team to attend to the children. Both teams were attacked and suffered minor injuries; the incubation equipment interfered with the transporters. We could not prevent him from activating the self-destruct sequence; we were able to safely retrieve both teams, and Senior Nurse Melody Straenj was able to save two of the eggs. Our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Houtman scanned and discovered that one egg is an unaltered Gorn, and the other egg has been severely modified. Dr. Houtman has given the modified egg a 25% chance of survival. Nurse Straenj has requested permission to take guardianship of the eggs and wants to take them to the Gorn colony on Nimbus III to hatch. As she is the only reptilian on board, I have granted her request for Guardian-ship and filed her request to Starfleet Medical for a long-term research assignment. It's really too bad about the Eris, but in the end, she really did come through for us." -END LOG-

Personnel File:
Latest Update Stardate: 92643.58
Parsley Straenj hatched from her egg on Stardate: 53038.38 on Nimbus III; reports indicate that she is a highly intelligent and emotional being. Growing up on Nimbus III around criminal elements and poverty has given her a street-wise attitude. She has the distinction of being the youngest being to graduate from her primary school. However, she began and dropped out of Starfleet Academy 5 separate times. Each break was due to bouts of severe depression and anxiety followed by episodes of extreme paranoia and intense criminal activity. Due to the medical nature of her condition, all records have been sealed to protect the innocent, obscure buildings destroyed, property damaged, and minor violations of the prime directive.
*Public Statement from Jag Court Hearing
Case #1325-11A, Stardate: 83393.15-
"Effective immediately, Parsley Straenj has been cleared of all charges, it has been determined that all activities resulted from an advanced long-term parasitic infection. Due to her unusual biological makeup, this infection took many years and extraordinary events to discover and eliminate. It is noted that after clearing infection, by Dr. Boris D. Houtman, cadet Straenj has completed the Academy course with highest honors, top grades, and recommendations from most of her instructors, along with extended starship experience, it is the judgment of this court that all records concerning this case are sealed, and full rank and commission is granted to Esn. Parsley Straenj."

Supplemental Intelligence Report- Sec 31:
Report submitted by: -redacted-
Stardate: -redacted-
"Subject has been shown to possess several desirable traits due to biological anomalies; limited chameleon-like abilities, natural height adjustment, pheromone control, radiation resistance, superior willpower, high-level intellect, and advanced problem-solving skills. Unhelpful traits include kindness, compassion, and rejection of "bullying behavior". Subject has active empathic senses making subterfuge extremely difficult. Subject confronted reporting agent -redacted- while under observation and demanded disclosure; subject is currently aware of our interests, caution is advised; complete dossier has been forwarded to -redacted- for a full assessment."

-Excerpt from officer's logs-
Cmd: Parsley Straenj.

"Officer's Log Stardate: 87719.82.
On my way to the graveyard at Depot Z15, what a long boring ride. Five is excited.. I think. She, keep pouring over the graveyard's manifest like it's the greatest holo-novel ever written. And Willie... is Willie, that damn Katain is so serious and stoic all the time, you would think he is part Vulcan. 'It will happen the way it is supposed to, Pars.' Such a deadpan; the funny thing is, every time he says that, things seem to work out perfectly. I told him that if it does work out, he would be my number one. He's a good choice, smart and loyal, I have known him since my last attempt at the Academy. Five only wants to rebuild a ship, but she's an ex-borg, and I am glad to have her; they said I was crazy to take her on, but they didn't want her anyway, and hell, maybe I am crazy, whatever. No one else would come, and who could blame them? Rear Admiral Jerico doesn't seem to like me very much. It seems to be a fool's errand, from a fool, only to get rid of me. He told me before we left that the only way I'm getting a ship is to get one from scrap, I'd like to scrap him. Whatever, I know where I am going, and I know what I am after; I'll show him, 'since you put yourself back together so well, I am sure a starship won't be an issue for you. Bring back a ship and I will make you it's Captain.' can't wait to see his face after we are done."

"Officer's Log Stardate: 87760.44.
Well, that couldn't have gone better. I swear that Cat is my good luck charm. Of course, it didn't start that way; the Zakdorn quartermaster, Dokachin, was very rude from the start over the viewscreen. However, as soon as he beamed aboard, he instantly started a sneezing fit and broke out in hives. Apparently, he is allergic to cats. He could not leave fast enough, told us to find a guide, gave us the access codes to the entire yard, said good luck, and promptly beamed back to the station. When I went aboard, I was greeted by some rather questionable characters of both moral standards and sobriety, none of whom seemed interested in assisting my efforts until I happened on one of the station's engineers, a young Lt. named Bill Fnord; it really was a magical moment, I will never forget. I approached him in a friendly manner and told him that I was assigned to resurrect one of the ships in the yard. He seemed unconcerned and a bit aloof. "there are a lot of ships to look at; none are in any kind of shape, depends on where you want to start and who you can get to help you." he said in a bleary non-committal way, "I already know the ship I am after, I just need to know where it is." I said. Not looking at me, "oh yea? what ship is that, I might have heard of it, there are a lot of ships out there, and some of their names can even be read." his sarcasm was so thick you could cut it with a knife. I was about to lose my temper, "I am here to locate and resurrect the U.S.S. Eris registry number 92" "92323," he finished for me, at once his entire demeanor changed "you've come for the Eris?" his excitement was very apparent. "I have." I said in a calm tone. "what's she to you?" he asked, his tone shifted erratically becoming suspicious, "She saved my life, and I want to return the favor" I had no idea why I said that; it just seemed like the right answer. He looked at me and scanned me with his eyes, "your gonna be her Captain then?' he asked. "I am," I said in the same tone. "Well, your gonna need an engineer to help rebuild her," he said, standing up with a smile building on his face. His poor attempt to intimidate me started in earnest. I needed to change the emerging pattern to get anywhere with this guy. "I already have an engineer, a good one." I wasn't sure what he was going on about, then he blurted out, "Look, No-one Knows or Loves that Ship as Much as Me; that was My Father's Ship. I was Born there, Where She Goes, I Go." I gave him a stern look as I swelled to my full size over 6 feet, my skin turning blue ebony; I towered over him and gave him the same scanning look he gave me; his demeanor changed from nervous excitement to fear almost instantly. My voice boomed out from my larger form, "Well, as my mother served on her, I was incubated there so that practically makes us family." I slapped him on the shoulder as a profoundly confused look came over his face, "And since you haven't left her, you'll have to welcome me home instead." I wonder if Five will react to this? Probably not; good thing too. She is going to make a much better Chief of Operations anyway."

"Officer's Log Stardate: 89637.74.
Launch day- it's been two years at the graveyard; I think Five visited each derelict at least twice. It was a tough job, but the Eris is ready. We have managed a total Borg system retrofit; got weapons from almost everywhere, Klingon, Romulan, Breen. Five was able to get our NX designation without any issues, she is amazing. Of course once it got out what we were doing, I was flooded with a huge list of applicants for service: mostly weirdos and crazies but more than a few gems in the mix. Willie noted the lack of humans among the crew. But, that's not on me, as only a few applied, and I have been too busy to go looking. I made Mr. Fnord our chief engineer; the security team looks nice and scary, a Klingon, a Gorn, A Cardassian, and a massive Andorian, good stuff. Overall, I am happy with the list, a nice mix from every corner of the universe, just like me. The launch ceremony was amazing. I will never forget the look on Adm. Jerico's face; it was priceless. Both Adm. Paris and Adm. Janeway came to see us off. Adm. Janeway made a very moving speech about overcoming adversity and gave me high honors. I was so moved it took everything I had not to cry in front of everyone. Truth is, for the first time in my life, I really feel like I have found my place in the universe."
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