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QoL: Stack Splitting (PC)

gymzquirkgymzquirk Member Posts: 14 Arc User
Let's say you have a stack of c. 1000 <Crafting Material>. You want to split off a sub-stack of 10. Right-click the stack and drag to an empty inventory slot, then futz with the slider until you get close to 10. If you're lucky, you can hit 10 exactly, but more often than not, you're stuck trying to split the difference between 9 and 12 and just can't find the sweet spot on the slider, so you take the 12, and then split off 2 from the smaller stack (since smaller numbers give you more granularity on the slider), then merge the excess back to the main stack. Not particularly onerous, but still mildly irritating. Too bad you can't just enter the number you want in the splitting interface.

Which is odd, since if you want to put 10 of those same crafting materials on the Exchange, you can either mess with the slider, or just enter a number in the convenient box.

How much trouble would it be to extend that same functionality to the stack-splitting interface?
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