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Elite Bridge Officer Tokens suggestion.

whiteknight1xwhiteknight1x Member Posts: 197 Arc User
Hi, I used the free token on one of my bridge officers and well I'm was disappointed. When you said you're gonna to included a frame kits I was hoping that I would be able to installed the fourth piece of an armor set with it. The Kuumaarke Visionary comes with four pieces, which I'm able to three three pieces on a bridge officer but the fourth piece which is a mudule and not a skill has no place to put it. The Kuumaarke Visionary Universal Kit Module - Micro-Generator Drone but for me it's really more about the four piece bonus. I tend not to put these kind of kits on my own character, I have a way I like to play and I tend to stick with it. But customizing Bridge Officers is another thing altogether, I tend to have more flexibility with them and probably use them more aggressively than most players but that's most likely because I play on elite. To me dying during the mission is a failure not an inconvenience.

So I'm requesting the ability to add a kit module to the kit frame. Otherwise that elite token isn't very useful as far as I can see.

Thank you for your consideration.
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