For starters, I used to love this game, because there was nothing in it that couldn't be earned with a little, or a lot, of hard work and time.
Well, that has certainly changed since my short break, and I'm not even talking about the dilex yet.
My issue - why, why, WHY did you remove the T5 ships from the phoenix rewards? Because they were outdated? What kind of reason is that? I have been trying for literal YEARS doing my best to finally earn a Risian Corvette, because due to life, I missed BOTH. My one goal in STO, since I missed that first corvette, was to somehow eventually get a UR token and get it. I felt sick when I realized I also missed the T6 a few years back, but that was okay, since I still had the T5 to hope for.
Imagine my joy, when I looked in my inventory this last week, and realized I had not one, but 2 UR tokens after years of failing to pull a single one (I have given up ever scoring an Epic).... now imagine what it felt like to realize that my one arcing goal... my multi-year-long fight for my favorite ship... was over.
Okay, so I realize - this is a business first. Cater to the better-off players via Mudds. But what about the poor players? I'm talking about the ones that either buy pixels or food. How about the ones that are bulk rice and beans for weeks, hand pump on a well poor for example? Well, you used to have the dilex for those folk, but after taking every desirable thing out of the phoenix packs, oh, except of course for the impossible Epic tier, well, why wouldn't dil have become practically worthless?
PUT the T5's BACK where they belong. We poor folk are customers too. The customer is always right. Give us the chance to fly those so-called sub-par ships... there's no reason not to. If the player wants to fly an old outdated ship... give them the chance to fly an old outdated ship.
If we really love them, heck, maybe we'll eventually splurge and get the T6 later anyway.
Don't just.... rip out all our hopes and stomp on them. That's not what the spirit of Star Trek was. Old ships are just as important as old engineers. Let us keep the Relics. Please. There have to be more like me out there - please give us our hopes back.
And who knows, it might just help out the dilex too.
~ Shi'kra
Every day is a battle, every evening a victory - you have survived.