(Some preface is I know that the 13th anniversary is likely already 5+ months in progress already so they can't just change. Other thing I want to mention is that the concept is meant to work around various agreements(I hope) about STO having limited official place in the Star Trek lore universe. Final note is that this is supposed to look all cool with fade-in/fade-out white text on black background but due to forum technology limitations this was impossible.)
"Anniversary 13 comes the apocalypse..."
"For 13 years we thought we were in holodeck."
"For 13 years we have slumbered as we legends lived other legends of other universes."
"We the forgotten legends broke the laws of time, space, morality, reality."
"We finally awake to the consequences of our actions."
"Our reality is shattered the new awareness has awakened us."
"We follow the whims of many fates repeating, mutating, unending."
"Death has never meant defeat for a legend only the legends who gave up were the ones who we lost."
(The style supports doing some cool promotions with legendary packs and items throughout the year to promote the legend aspect)