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Save 35% on Legendary Items, and Dilithium Week!

baddmoonrizinbaddmoonrizin Member Posts: 10,731 Community Moderator
Captains - the ships of Star Trek are a character unto themselves, and we find ourselves attached to ships that have become Legendary. Now, you can own those Legendary ships for a lot cheaper. From June 8th at 8am PT (17:00 CEST) - June 13th at 10am PT (19:00 CEST), you can save 35% on all of the Legendary Bundles we've ever released, including the 10 Ship Legendary Bundle! That's right, the anniversary bundle is back for a limited time, Captains.

Get your hands on ships that come with every look, trait and console that had ever been released for them, up to the point of their initial sale. And take a Captain up to Level 65 instantly!

Star Trek Online is running a special event where you can earn bonus Dilithium Ore by playing content throughout the game! It’s time to hit the drills, Captains! The Dilithium Ore event runs from 8AM PT (17:00 CEST) Thursday, June 8th to 10AM PT (19:00 CEST) Thursday, June 15th.

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