Hi, I am thinking of joining a new fleet. My current fleet is good and I have no issues with it, it just they are not very active and most don't like doing Elite TFO. If I even mention Korfez the "hell no" are all over the chat. I am just tire of only doing Random Adv TFO and Elite Patrols.
I been playing this game since open beta. I do have characters from each event but I mainly play only two which are a FED Tactical and Engineer. I been playing on Elite Difficulty since the first day it was available. Space or Ground it's all the same to me.
My play style is an balance Offensive Threat Tank, I don't like to die but I also what to kill things fast. I am currently flying a Inquiry Battlecruiser on both toons. You can lookup my DPS scores on STO Combat Meter handle "
@White Knight". I am not chasing DPS. I don't get to do ETFO very often so I haven't had a chance to see what this ship can do.
So, if you are a Level 85 Active Fleet (non-SJW) that likes to play Elite TFO please DM me.