They have absolutely every reason to exist as an option to play as, it's when they visibly originated in Star Trek in several instances, and the era they are most famous for of course. I would love nothing more than to actually play this version of the Federation but thats the showstopper for me not having this species which has EVERY reason to exist as an option for TOS! Think of how many people would roll new characters for this popular species Cryptic, it's good for business!
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(Wow the years really have gone by, makes me feel old wolf,,,, feels like yesterday, pardon the pun :P) I have heard of that reasoning yes, but while that may have been their reasoning way back in those years, surely breathing a little new life and purpose into this version of the federation to expand itself as a full representation of that classic era beyond just the tv show makes a lot of sense now, and not doing so solely because its only intended as homage to the TV show, is a dated reason.
I can't remember what they are but I'm also aware there's at least another species or two as well that should have been there from the era. Bottom line, it was fair and all to launch agents of yesterday with the intent they did, but its about 7 years later and it should become a broader representation of that era for fans who loved media beyond that show, but the show still remains the core soul of it even if they add more species, it's not going to detract from anything to do so, and its good business sense consider how popular it could be!
Even if this has little chance of happening, I still can't let it go unsaid how much it would mean to me if the devs would give this version of the federation a little more!