Hello I'm interested in joining a new fleet. My current situation is not working out. I hate the fleet I'm currently in.
The fleet leader is trash, he uses the fleet bank as his personal bank for him and his friends talking anything good that's donated for himself and filling the 1 fleet tab that's for the fleet to use with his trash. He doesn't update full projects for days at a time, and when he does, him and his 3 friends instantly fill up ALL of the fleet marks, energy credits, and XP points, leaving only duty officers and dilithium for everyone else to earn fleet credits. I'm so sick of this BS. I want out.
I currently have 3 federation characters that I actively play on a daily basis and I
need a new fleet.
If you're fleet is a bunch of "woke" nonsense, full of petty drama or runs like the one I'm currently in don't bother sending me an invite.
I have no problems with donations for the fleet projects or helping out when I can.
Thanks I look forward to joining a decent fleet.