Will these ships be sold separately at a ( sooner then ) later date ? I have TRIBBLE luck at lockboxes and don't want to spend anymore then I already have . Thank you for your time .
if you mean the 10th anni, probably nor for a very long time. on the flip side, there are some very good ships in there, the Intrepid, the Defiant, and both the Donnie and the Connie and the oddy have been very good and are mainstays with most of my toons.
The average cost of a promo pack ship like the TOS Connie is 100 R&D or Duty Officer packs (1 : 100 odds) but with really, really bad luck it could take opening eleventy million packs. The average cost for lock boxes is 250 lock box keys (1 : 250 odds).
10 account-unlocked Legendary ships for $200 is actually cheaper than 1 x promo pack TOS Connie, but it's still a lot of money -- 3 "AAA" game releases, or 2 with their season passes.
My guess is that they are not going to split up the 10th Anniversary pack until some far future time when they decide they can sell the TOS Connie Legendary by itself for $75-100 and all of the others for $50-75 each. That might take years, or it might never happen at all.
One thing they might do someday is have a $150-200 (on "sale") Mudd's Legendary Choice pack that lets you pick 3 ships from a mix of the existing bundles. but that's just my idea not something they have even hinted at.
Thanks for the replies . I was really hoping to get a face melting ship . Tired of losing out cause I fly a t6 galaxy . Dang t6 Connie refit
That's actually a different question - you might want to start a thread asking about "what is the best T6 zen store ship for ..." (beam boat, cannon boat, science, torps, ...) or check out the DPS League builds: https://www.sto-league.com/ship-builds/
If you start a thread here, the more information you give us about how you like to play (including your captain's career tac/sci/eng) the better.
My TOS captain flies a TOS Connie because it fits his theme, not because it wins the DPS races. For me, Space Barbie is the real endgame
my temporal captain flies the temporal lockbox connie. my Dsc captain the Donnie. another captain flies the MW Connie which is a beast, even considering the Donnie's hangars. it boils down to what you like to fly.
The difference between the ships really only count when you want to compete the unofficial game of running the same old map and compete numbers. Putting the 'face melter' dps built on your T6 Galaxy with minir compromises should let you breeze through the content just as easily, even though it lacks the optimum synergy.
^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
10 account-unlocked Legendary ships for $200 is actually cheaper than 1 x promo pack TOS Connie, but it's still a lot of money -- 3 "AAA" game releases, or 2 with their season passes.
My guess is that they are not going to split up the 10th Anniversary pack until some far future time when they decide they can sell the TOS Connie Legendary by itself for $75-100 and all of the others for $50-75 each. That might take years, or it might never happen at all.
One thing they might do someday is have a $150-200 (on "sale") Mudd's Legendary Choice pack that lets you pick 3 ships from a mix of the existing bundles. but that's just my idea not something they have even hinted at.
That's actually a different question - you might want to start a thread asking about "what is the best T6 zen store ship for ..." (beam boat, cannon boat, science, torps, ...) or check out the DPS League builds: https://www.sto-league.com/ship-builds/
If you start a thread here, the more information you give us about how you like to play (including your captain's career tac/sci/eng) the better.
My TOS captain flies a TOS Connie because it fits his theme, not because it wins the DPS races. For me, Space Barbie is the real endgame
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