Per topic title, the 100% off coupon is erroneously showing as being applicable to ships already purchased. Were someone not paying attention, this could potentially result in loss of the ticket for no compensation; I am not willing to risk it to verify. Further, it means that as long as the coupon is in the player inventory, the player cannot claim previously purchased ships.
Edit: No loss of coupon and ships still claimable, but no way of knowing what you own without clicking through objects on the list. MAJOR UI gaffe.
This behaviour is new. Previously purchased ships used to show the "Claim" button even when a T6 Ship Coupon was available.
(For some reason, the forum puts a line break after an underline whenever the line containing the underline would be the only line within the post.)
- - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
As a workaround, I'd say do your window shopping with the coupon banked. Only take it out when you've decided what to buy. Also note that the T5 coupon and maybe T6 coupon also seemed to interfere with the operation of the Purchased/Not Purchased search filter, since everything shows up with 0 price with the coupon, which is apparently what the search filter looks for.
As a workaround, I'd say do your window shopping with the coupon banked. Only take it out when you've decided what to buy. Also note that the T5 coupon and maybe T6 coupon also seemed to interfere with the operation of the Purchased/Not Purchased search filter, since everything shows up with 0 price with the coupon, which is apparently what the search filter looks for.
On further inspection, this does appear to be the case. I didn't even bother clicking through because all I saw were objects I'd purchased with a cost attached to them on the sidebar, instead of "available". So, no risk of being out a coupon, but still a massive UI gaffe making people click through a list to see whether they already own something.
This behaviour is new. Previously purchased ships used to show the "Claim" button even when a T6 Ship Coupon was available.
(For some reason, the forum puts a line break after an underline whenever the line containing the underline would be the only line within the post.)
(For some reason, the forum puts a line break after an underline whenever the line containing the underline would be the only line within the post.)