I'm a huge fan of the Original Series and Romulans in general. When I had the ability, I got the 23rd century Romulan uniform. I was slightly disappointed to find that it had some very irritating issues. It also is lacking in certain features that I believe should be present in the game.
I'll start with the bug I noticed.
1. When wearing the 23rd century Romulan uniform, all female Remans have invisible legs when the skirt portion of the uniform is equipped. There is no option to equip stockings or anything else in that category on female Remans wearing the 23rd century Romulan uniform. In some cutscenes, female Remans' legs are visible, but legs become invisible again once cutscene ends. This is the most irritating one, since Veril right now has to run around without legs. Here's a screenshot:
Veril has unfortunately not been provided with the legs she should be allowed to have.
As a true believer in equality for all, I am of the firm belief that all Remans should be allowed to have legs regardless of gender and choice of clothing. When female Remans do happen to have legs, it's always in a cutscene, where they're seen wearing tights. I unfortunately don't have a screenshot of this. Perhaps the lack of access to tights has contributed to the bug? I don't know; I'm no game developer.
I will be moving into the suggestions I have for the uniform now.
2. Remans are unable to equip the 23rd century Romulan helmet. Seeing how the uniform works on Remans as well as Romulans, I feel that they should go all in and give Remans access to the helmet as well.
3. Speaking of the helmet, female bridge officers and female player characters are unable to equip the 23rd century Romulan helmet. I think they should have access to the helmet. Female characters are seen wearing the helmet in the mission "The Core of the Matter," in the story arc "Yesterday's War," so it is possible. Here's a screenshot of female characters wearing the helmet:
A bit off topic, but I find it neat that the developers gave the Tal Shiar their own sash and pants color.
4. That being said, it would be great if that particular green was available in the tailor. Unless I'm missing something, I can't select a color that looks like that.
5. Female bridge officers and female player characters are incapable of wearing the pants version of the 23rd century Romulan uniform. Seeing how the TOS Starfleet uniform allows female player characters and female bridge officers to wear the pants version of the uniform, this should be the same for the 23rd century Romulan uniform, and frankly, I don't understand why this isn't an option right out of the box.
I have no issue with the miniskirt. I do, however, believe that it is a product of its time, as is not providing female characters access to pants. During the 60s, wearing a miniskirt was considered an empowering statement. Nowadays, however, attitudes toward clothing have loosened significantly. I'd say amongst most people, someone wearing a miniskirt isn't viewed as an empowering statement sticking it to authority. It's become more normalized, so it's lost a lot of the context that it had in the Original Series. It's just another article of clothing. There really is no reason to bar female characters from wearing the pants version of the outfit. They should also have access to the male sash and boots.
6. More of a general gripe I'm sure the developers have already heard a lot about: I don't understand gender-locked clothing in a general sense, either. I do understand from a programming standpoint though that removing the gender-lock could possibly be quite difficult. Other MMOs suffer from the same issue. The first MMO that comes to mind is Toontown Online, which had the gender-lock hard programmed so deep into the (admittedly outdated 2003) code, that applying a male shirt to a female character would break the entire model (at least, according to the current volunteer programmers that maintain another Toontown Online server referred to as Toontown Rewritten). I do hope that in the future that some work can be put into vanquishing the gender-locked clothing once and for all.
That's all I really have in regards to the 23rd century Romulan uniform. I'm eager to hear the opinions and suggestions of others here.