Hello Everyone!
As seen in the '2019' Netflix TV Sci-Fi series: 'Another Life' - S02-E10 - the Earth created a star ship called: 'Salvare' - a good view of the ship in orbit shows up about 16 minutes-30 secs from the start of the episode. Parts of the ship are both reflective of other things in space - stars, planet and the real fun is being able to see thru parts of the ship? This should be enough for new ideas.
Impressive thinking the 'Salvare' - ship and A.I. I believe top of the line ships in STO can emulate the same views on our starships, instead of vanity shields or have the vanity shields do the same. - or have this fun in the ship customizations? A view of the Salvare explains all in seven (7) seconds of viewing.
STO personnel can create this fun, but those people can -- no have already done this with a few seconds thought I bet.
Y not try it on the new Kirk ship, the Janeway, certainly the very cool Discovery with the detaching nacelles? Dare not to give this to Ferengi ships, the piracy/deals would sky rocket! I bet your ship builders/creations staff would be busy for some time.
Isn't it time for the STO universe to use intrestellar worm holes and folds in space?
Thanks for your time and consideration.