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Can my Romulan choose the Temporal Light Cruiser from the 2021 event?

starrfirestarrfire Member Posts: 9 Arc User
Can my Romulan main character choose the Temporal Light Cruiser from the 23rd Century Tier 6 Ship option or will I be given no choice and have to take the T'liss Temporal Warbird? I have a level 65 Klingon, so I know I can pilot any ship, but my question is, is there an option or no option when you choose to open the 23rd Century Tier 6 Ship box?

Best Answer

  • starrfirestarrfire Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    Answer ✓
    I have an update to my last post. I wanted the ship on my main character so much that I took a gamble and looked to see what would happen if I tried to open it. When I went to open it, all three choices were available to me this time. I was able to choose the Temporal Light Cruiser on my main character, (even though she is a Romulan) just like I hoped I could!


  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,801 Arc User
    I opened a promo pack box (NOT the 2021 event reward) tonight on a federation TOS captain, and for that the 23rd century box let me choose any of the 3 ships.

    Again, this was a normal promo box so it is not really an answer for the event.
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    starrfire wrote: »
    Can my Romulan main character choose the Temporal Light Cruiser from the 23rd Century Tier 6 Ship option or will I be given no choice and have to take the T'liss Temporal Warbird? I have a level 65 Klingon, so I know I can pilot any ship, but my question is, is there an option or no option when you choose to open the 23rd Century Tier 6 Ship box?

    Here is how it's supposed to work..

    When your Romulan opens the box, yes.. they should have a choice between the Connie, the D7 and the T'liss. The promo box choice option does seem to work fine, anytime I have used it, it has functioned as intended. However, I have occasionally read of players being forced to choose their faction ship which is not the intended result.

    Here is what I would suggest just to be sure. Head over to the Tribble Transfer Page, log in and transfer a copy of your character to the tribble test server. Then from the launcher, change the box over the progress bar from Holodeck to Tribble so that you're logging into tribble. Load into the test server and open the box there to verify that it works correctly. This way, if it doesn't, your character on Holodeck (the actual game server) will be untouched.

    But yes, it should work and it should give you a choice. It's just with this game you have to be extra careful because sometimes things just inexplicably don't work. :wink:
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    Might depend on whether ppl bought the 'fly-all-ships' unlock.
  • starrfirestarrfire Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    Thank you for the responses. I did upload my character to Tribble to try it out there first and it only gave me the T'liss option. The others weren't there to choose, but it allowed me to close it back up without taking it, so I probably could exchange it to another character that is a Federation character and have the temporal light cruiser on them. Thank you again for the suggestions.
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