I know I saw somewhere that if you choose the infinity t6 premium starship choice reward, the ship is account bound. Does this mean that if I pick one of these infinity ships, it will be usable by all my characters including characters that I might create later on? If so how would a person even claim the ship on a different character, would it show up somewhere in the zen store like a regular zen ship or what? Finally, I've also heard that the infinity starship choice also includes the promotional ships like the universe class and the vaadwaur juggernaut, is this true?
Does this mean that if I pick one of these infinity ships, it will be usable by all my characters including characters that I might create later on?
No. If this was the case it would clearly state that it is account reclaimable, which it does not say. The devs have been very clear that the event campaign reward is NOT an account unlock, the ship you select is only account bound so that you can move it between characters before opening it, once you open it that's it only that character can use it.
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
The T6 coupons won't likely work for ships on the New tab of the C-store. Once they leave the New tab though, they're fair game. (So you probably won't be able to get the Grissom/Clarke for a while.) Legendary ships/Mudd's Market ships of course also don't count for the coupons. Just regular C-store T6 ships.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
Well it sucks that it isn't account-wide but still an awesome prize for the reward.