I'm sure this probably was asked before but can we have the ability when out of combat to freely change our specializations?
We can change traits when out of combat now and is very good but we need the ability to change our specializations. That would help a lot when queuing for random TFOs and when doing story missions, with intense space combat and ground combat content. Especially when you are playing on advanced or elite difficulty.
They already are in a manner of speaking. Ground only specs are always Secondary. There is no need to switch. Just use 2 primary specs and you've got the benefits of 2 specs that give BOTH Space and Ground, especially if you're Randoming.
> They already are in a manner of speaking. Ground only specs are always Secondary. There is no need to switch. Just use 2 primary specs and you've got the benefits of 2 specs that give BOTH Space and Ground, especially if you're Randoming.
this is not a solution since most players use their secondary for space builds. Why would I weaken my space build just to play a ground tfo.
I wouldn't and nobody else would. This is why I just leave all ground randoms and switch to another toon.
I use Intel and Temporal Spec. Both have Space and Ground benefits.....and I'm not weaker for it. I'm actually stronger for it because I've Space and Ground on both that are active. If you leave ground TFO's...which you really shouldn't (Bad form....Bad form), then why would you need such a thing?
We've been able to change traits in combat areas for a while now.
You can change traits wherever you wants as long you are not in combat. The social zone bs is just for specializations. That needs to go to the garbage bin asap.
You are stronger using a generic build than anybody else going for a specialized one? Ok dude.
Just a reminder that we can change specializations in the voth battle zone, and nimbus, and I'm pretty sure we can do it in new romulus too. Even the limitation for social zones ones makes no sense, since I can't change them in any of my fleet holdings and if those aren't "social zones" what the hell is one? Should they need to have a T-Rex with lasers to count as one? .
This is another glaring example of how horribly streamlined this game is and how little devs care for the quality of life of the game.
This needs to change and I can't believe how this wasn't done so far after all these years.
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