I want to post a discussion that will include charts I made in a Python program. I see that there is an image box to insert the address of an image, but I can't figure out how it works. Any advice?
the way image link for posts works is that you give it a web address to the picture as it must be hosted online (in a JPG format to function IIRC), the full link to the picture so "*your host's address*/*picture name*.jpg" to the "image URL" to the box that pops up when you click the image link button.
Most image editing software should be able to export the image to the JPG format so it should function fine.
Best way to get the address correct is to copy the link to it.
Most image editing software should be able to export the image to the JPG format so it should function fine.
Best way to get the address correct is to copy the link to it.
Is the what most use, not all but many.