I have a co lead in "MY"fleet. Hes went rogue and is basically trashing my fleet ive worked on for quite some time, he has R7 position the same as me"founder" i need to remove his 2 toons from leadership role, how do i do that without the 2 week wait?? Please help b4 i lose everything ive worked on for so long and hard for.
StarKiller@KILLER CMDR on XB1
For our original poster, unfortunately dude you're up the creek on this one, you'll have to wait the two weeks to demote the guy, and he can try to reinstate himself with the other toons. Depending on what the guy is doing you can roll the dice and put in a ticket with customer service and explain the situation, but 99.9% of the time they will not step in unless it's something serious going on that violates ToS. The waiting period was done to prevent hostile fleet takeovers, whether it be for good or ill.
Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator