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Voth advance, flaming sword



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  • postagepaidpostagepaid Member Posts: 2,899 Arc User
    Borg also adapt to the poison from turds/targs/torgs/somethinglikethat batleth which is a mission reward.
  • edrickvellorinedrickvellorin Member Posts: 346 Arc User
    edited February 2021
    For the gun users when attacking shielded borg, that should cause the attacked borg to summon reinforcements behind the attacker too. (A counter they added a while ago for the Thompson, triggered by kinetic physical damage without shield damage, or something to that effect.)

    Edit: Hit submit too quick. The flaming sword I think I'll use on my Orion, she's been carrying around a Bat'leth too long. I think I liked the swords better then Bat'leth when I have used the sword in the old Breen mission arc. My KDF recruit will keep using her special Bat'leth.
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    tagen wrote: »
    lordmalak1 wrote: »
    The funny part is the sword seems to be part of the grand prize package, so it'll take most of the year to earn, can can be binned for later retrieval.

    The sword is a reward for 14 days of progress in the current Voth event, so you can have it within the next couple of weeks.

    The 5-event campaign is different. You get progress toward that in this event, but it has its own set of rewards to choose.

    Heh, ya I noticed that last night while starting the event. The event description on the site must've been written by a lawyer or someone who learned mastery of the language from twitter instead of a university.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • edited February 2021
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  • fleetcaptain5#1134 fleetcaptain5 Member Posts: 5,051 Arc User
    Borg also adapt to the poison from turds/targs/torgs/somethinglikethat batleth which is a mission reward.

    They adapt to everything that isn't physical/kinetic. Because reasons, though, to be honest, given the nature of Borg drones, poison shouldn't affect them at all.

    This is only partly true.

    Borg don't adapt to the fire from exothermic induction field. Or at least, I have never seen them do that and I use that power all the time on my Sci's.
  • revanindustriesrevanindustries Member Posts: 508 Arc User
    > @fleetcaptain5#1134 said:
    > This is only partly true.
    > Borg don't adapt to the fire from exothermic induction field. Or at least, I have never seen them do that and I use that power all the time on my Sci's.

    You are correct. Not sure about the fire from other Fire-based damage sources though.
  • sci321sci321 Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    Cryptic nerfed Borg adaptation a while back, making it so that they don't adapt to damage from NPCs or kit abilities.
  • revanindustriesrevanindustries Member Posts: 508 Arc User
    > @sci321 said:
    > Cryptic nerfed Borg adaptation a while back, making it so that they don't adapt to damage from NPCs or kit abilities.

    Interesting. Well either way, even pre-nerf they would never adapt to Exo Field, but would to my Hyperionic Radiation and Cold Fusion Flash.
  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,241 Arc User
    Personally, I remember a time when melee-weapons were an incredibly valid choice for secondary weapons on elite-Omega-STF's, to earn the MACO/HG/Omega-gear and get the optionals for accolades and costume-unlocks.

    For weapons without a built-in gap-closer, there are options like lunge.

    Yeah, STO's melee-mechanic is very clunky and somewhat half-baked, but it works, and always did.

    The Personalized Spatial Trajector kit module teleports you to your foe and is not class specific, anyone can use it.
    This kit module is a lot of fun to use.

    I'm trying in place of lunge on my 2255 recruit and tied it to the same thumb button on my mouse.

    On an map with the targets spread out having multiple charges to move around is simply a blast.

    Blip blip slice. The three 10 meter teleport jumps available covers pretty well everything and they're always recharging in the background.
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    protoneous wrote: »
    Personally, I remember a time when melee-weapons were an incredibly valid choice for secondary weapons on elite-Omega-STF's, to earn the MACO/HG/Omega-gear and get the optionals for accolades and costume-unlocks.

    For weapons without a built-in gap-closer, there are options like lunge.

    Yeah, STO's melee-mechanic is very clunky and somewhat half-baked, but it works, and always did.

    The Personalized Spatial Trajector kit module teleports you to your foe and is not class specific, anyone can use it.
    This kit module is a lot of fun to use.

    I'm trying in place of lunge on my 2255 recruit and tied it to the same thumb button on my mouse.

    On an map with the targets spread out having multiple charges to move around is simply a blast.

    Blip blip slice. The three 10 meter teleport jumps available covers pretty well everything and they're always recharging in the background.

    Yep, love to ‘blip’ around the map and slice people up.. a ton of fun. I even ran it on some Elite Ground maps in fleet runs, it was a lot of fun.. but overall I will probably use Ranged on my recruit going forward for Fleet Elite Runs just because it can be hard to reach targets before the rest of the party vaporizes them. In story mode content though, my melee Klingon with Nanopulse Mek’leth’s is probably my most powerful character. Even on Elite, she just slices things to bits.. it’s a lot of fun. :smile:
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,016 Arc User
    I have my Klingon recruit completely themed around fire damage and fek'lhr ships. This sword will be glorious! (Although it looks a bit weird)
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,241 Arc User
    When they add the Fek'lhr themed kit modules back to the event store from the last winter event it'll add even more thematic (and very effective) options to all this mysterious robed stranger from 2255 stuff :smile:

    The engineering kit module with the chain attack and drag into a pool of fire is really quite impressive.
  • redeyedravenredeyedraven Member Posts: 1,297 Arc User
    angrytarg wrote: »
    This sword will be glorious! (Although it looks a bit weird)

    It's a WoW-ish "paddle" rather than a sword.

    But yeah, glorious anyway.
  • vieth1vieth1 Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    No one are going to use that.

    You sir, are wrong. I will use it. Speak for YOURSELF next time, not me.
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