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Future PvP & Game Design

This game continues to amaze me at how far it has come. The removal of faction on the ships make it better for everyday play. Allowing me to play a captain with a FED or KDF ship. But there still remains a few fundamental issues, of which I present as positive feedback here:

Armada Open War Zones
These areas would be a Free for All zone, where our armada stands on the backs of our fleets that make them. Throw in a random invasion force, and you have a space where all kinds of fun can happen. Make it a 500 person limit zone.

PvP Balance
Disabling the Endeavor System in any PvP instance would bring balance back to the game. As it stands, the higher you are, the more able you are to take anyone out, which creates an unbalanced system.

Open Armadas
Since we can get faction-wide ships now, let's just further break down the faction system and allow fleets to join any armada. KDF, FED, ROM, whatever. If you want to be in an "alliance" with other fleets, so be it.

Joined Trills
Lets give this species under the Personnel TAB a make-over. Since they are supposed to reflect multiple generations of experience and lifetimes, let's allow them to do so. Give them the option, after a certain time limit, to do another Host. In this, it would ask to start a new character, who would serve as the new host, and every lifetime it lives, it would add more bonuses. It would then be reasonable to charge zen for it.

Finally, give us some freedom in customizing our fleet holdings. Perhaps skin packs or projects that create a themed look would be nice, something to change it up. The same old colors are drab and rather static.

Thanks for the game, I continue to enjoy playing it, I just think these would make it better.
Fleet Admiral of The Lost boys

"Dreams are born in the deepest of minds, and destroyed in the shallowest of ones."


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