Can someone tell me which boff ability would be better to use for my enginneering bridge officer, directed energy modulation 2 or emergency power to weapons 3, dps-wise. Btw I use dual heavy cannons if that matters.
Emergency power to weapons would be a staple for any energy build. Even if you're already running maximum power to weapons (attack mode power setting) the extra power to your weapons helps refill the pool of weapons power faster and is a large boost to the damage they're doing.
Any energy build would benefit from EPtW running pretty well all the time via using 2 copies (a dragon build) or 2-3 vr damage control engineering boffs on active duty to reduce a single copy in combination with EPtE or EPtS (a drake build).
If Aux2Batt is being used for cooldowns versus the above setups then it might be a better time to add directed energy modulation on top of emergency power to weapons as it has a really long cooldown.
So damage wise using both if you can fit them in would be a good choice but having EPtW up as often as possible would be job one.
One option, regarding aux2bat builds... (I tend to run these frequently)... when reduced to minimum cooldown, Emergency Power to Weapons will last for 30 seconds and be immediately re-useable when the 30 seconds is up.... but since other Emergency Power abilities share a half-cooldown with it (which won't in this case affect EPTW at all), you can use another Emergency Power ability and alternate them, and after the first 15 seconds, have virtually 100% uptime for both of them.
In such a case, if you have room for a second EP ability (after slotting EPTW, 2x Aux2Bat, and possibly (as I prefer to) one copy of Engineering Team)... that might be preferable to DEM. Probably EPTE or EPTS, as EPTA would get sucked into the Aux2Bat cycle. EPTE and EPTS both can be used as triggers for various other doffs or traits, too, which may be a factor as well.
Also, if you have access to the trait Emergency Weapon Cycle, then def use EPTW as that is the trigger for EWC, and EWC is one of the top-ten or so starship traits.
That is what I do on most of my builds. I either alternate Power to Weapons with Power to Shields for more 'tanky' ships or I alternate EPTW with EPTE with the Evasive Maneuvers DoFF from the Phoenix Box for mobility. Both are great combos.
Any energy build would benefit from EPtW running pretty well all the time via using 2 copies (a dragon build) or 2-3 vr damage control engineering boffs on active duty to reduce a single copy in combination with EPtE or EPtS (a drake build).
If Aux2Batt is being used for cooldowns versus the above setups then it might be a better time to add directed energy modulation on top of emergency power to weapons as it has a really long cooldown.
So damage wise using both if you can fit them in would be a good choice but having EPtW up as often as possible would be job one.
That is what I do on most of my builds. I either alternate Power to Weapons with Power to Shields for more 'tanky' ships or I alternate EPTW with EPTE with the Evasive Maneuvers DoFF from the Phoenix Box for mobility. Both are great combos.