I'm a bit annoyed as the ship vendor is misleading when buying the Cruiser refit. It's a very minor thing really but it could confuse newer players so I thought I'd post and point it out.
The vendor shows that you can buy the Constitution, Constitution beta, and Jeffries skins for the Cruiser refit for 37500 Dil on the Vendor screen but when you purchase the ship only the Exeter variant is available in the customisation screen. Why is it shown as purchaseable when as far as I can tell these skins aren't available to buy at all, even with zen?
Vendor screen...
Customisation screen...
After trying to find out what the story is as far as I can work out these skins are only available to people who have a (very expensive) legendary ship bundle that as far as I can see isn't even available any more.
Why is it the skin shown as available to buy when as it stands you can't get the skin by any means at all?
Indeed that customization window shows what's available for that ship not what comes with purchase, Connie skin is from the T1 ship IIRC, Jeffries is from the Legendary pack, I can't remember where the Beta was I think it might been from the Box ship or they added them to both versions of the ToS Connie I can't honestly remember so all of those are available, just not from the buying the Cruiser Refit.
It's same for every single ship in game that has multiple skin options and has been since forever.
this is what is looks for skins you don't own
this is what it looks for skins you do own (note that what coldnapalm said about said about the check marks
EDIT2:it even says where to get it in the tool tip there.
Sorry, but I have to strongly disagree. It's not clear at all.
This is the tooltip and what is shown for the Exeter variant...(Note the tooltip)
This is what is shown for the Jefferies variant...
No matter which of these you have showing you get the Exeter variant and afterwards have the check box in the list of available skins, as shown here...(same tooltip as the Exeter)
In what world is that first screen clear that you aren't getting the ship shown when you click 'Buy Ship'? I would imagine there are a lot of very confused people thinking they had done something wrong. Like I said it's not a massive issue but it certainly NOT clear that the skin shown on the buy screen is not what you are getting, and is (as of time of writing) not available to purchase.