As the topic title asks, I'd like to know if we're able to equip both versions versions of the reputation weapons at the same time. For example, am I able to equip both the Lukari Polaron and Lukari Plasma Beam Arrays (or 8472 Disruptor and Plasma Heavy Turrets) at the same time? I ask, because I don't want to waste a bunch of Dilithium and time grinding out the marks I need, and then it turns out I can't use them together. I'm wary, because of the "only one of this item" tag on the weapons. I know they're different items, but I don't know if the game classifies them as the same "slot," because video games do things like that sometimes. Thanks to anyone who took the time to read this, and perhaps reply.
However, they are the same set piece, so you have to equip something else to get a 2 piece bonus.
This is the correct response.
In your example OP, the Advanced Piezo-Plasma Beam Array and Advanced Piezo-Polaron Beam Array are considered the same weapon. They are both variants of the Advanced Piezo Beam Array so no, you cannot equip both. All set items work this way, if you have a unique item that has multiple variants they are all variants of the same item and count as such when considering equip restrictions.
Respectfully, this is completely incorrect. In no case can multiple variants of the same type of unique weapon be equipped. If it can, then it's a bug.
I'm fairly sure I've got a ship with both the Terran rep Beam array and the Terran rep DHC, which for set purposes are the same set piece.
I can't say much about rainbow setups because I don't usually do those, so its possible that is where the limitation is, and you can't equip two undine rep turrets.
Certainly identical weapons can't be double equipped.
Those are only the same when counting toward set bonus, yes you can equip both the beam and the cannon. Those are not the same weapon, the OP was asking about the same weapon twice and rather changing the energy type would let you do it, and it won't.
You can equip a Beam and a Cannon from the same set at the same time, and as said, they will count as 1 piece for the set bonus.