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Obtaining Facility 4028 Mission?

snowpiercer#1188 snowpiercer Member Posts: 79 Arc User
edited December 2020 in The Academy
I've searched for this answer and people say it was removed from the episodes and placed as a side mission, but I still can't get it. I can look at "KDF Info" in the available missions and choose Dominion and the mission is listed but just says:


I've had a friend take the mission and share it with me, but I didn't get any rewards on completing it except XP and Expertise, no items.

So what does it mean I "must complete the missions as primary ..."?


  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,102 Arc User
    ... So what does it mean I "must complete the missions as primary ..."?
    It means you must play through it yourself, as the player who takes the mission from the available tab, not via a share. When a friend shared it you weren't the primary player.

    I'm seeing the mission available on both a KDF and a Fed character. I'm not sure exactly when these side missions become available <more info needed> as when I last played them they were part of the main storyline.

    It may very well be you have to play or skip through portions of the main storyline as am not seeing it on a junior level 65 who hasn't done very many missions. You might have to play the 3 missions preceding it in your photo as well.

    I don't know why you didn't get a reward but would play the mission again once you qualify for it to see if that fixes things.

  • snowpiercer#1188 snowpiercer Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited December 2020
    None of those missions listed are available anywhere. Also have a level 65 Dominion and these missions aren't there for him either. I read that the mission used to come right after completing Cardassian Struggle episodes. I've finished that line and it doesn't appear.

    I don't think it's possible any longer since they removed the missions. I think you can't get them unless you completed them when they were part of the episodes. I suspect "As primary" means you had to do them before they were moved.
  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,102 Arc User
    edited December 2020
    I really think we're both missing something with respect to the criteria needed to qualify for these missions.

    The sto wiki isn't listing them as removed but just moved -

    Removed from arc, but still playable

    Hopefully somebody else can chime in as the handful of post October 2018 " mission move date" created characters I have are not yet at the point where I can test this out.

    Perhaps all missions from the 'Episodes' tab must be completed first, or at least completed up to a certain point?

    Edit: Thanks @westmetals. You posted while I was typing :smile:
  • snowpiercer#1188 snowpiercer Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    protoneous wrote: »
    Perhaps all missions from the 'Episodes' tab must be completed first, or at least completed up to a certain point?

    I think you (and others) may have the key, but the question is "Where is the lock?" :smiley:

    I figured it hadn't popped because another mission hadn't been finished, but since they say it was after Cardassian Struggle, I'd do that line. I finished that one but I probably haven't completed all the missions before that.

  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,102 Arc User
    protoneous wrote: »
    Perhaps all missions from the 'Episodes' tab must be completed first, or at least completed up to a certain point?

    I think you (and others) may have the key, but the question is "Where is the lock?" :smiley:

    I figured it hadn't popped because another mission hadn't been finished, but since they say it was after Cardassian Struggle, I'd do that line. I finished that one but I probably haven't completed all the missions before that.
    Could you do an experiment for your fellow playerbase?
    I finished that one but I probably haven't completed all the missions before that.
    Finish all missions from the Episodes tab before the that and see if it unlocks The Lost Dominion story arc.

    If this doesn't unlock things play The Galaxy at Large missions from your available tab in order and see if that works.

    Report your findings here :smile:
  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,102 Arc User
    edited December 2020
    Update - so am plugging along on a new Federation Romulan toon created December 8, 2020 and have finished all missions in the Episodes tab up to and including 'The Cardassian Struggle' plus Temporal Ambassador.

    I haven't yet hit the trigger for the Facility 4028 mission in the available tab.

    The answer is out there... somewhere... lol. But haven't yet found it.
  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,102 Arc User
    edited December 2020
    Spoke too soon. The next thing I was offered was -


    And after the transwarp to this mission I was immediately offered -


    Bingo! Facility 4028 lives! (it's in the same series as the above mission)
  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,102 Arc User
    It's entirely possible that I didn't look deeply enough into the mission simulator via the available tab. It was nice to get an auto hail though.
  • snowpiercer#1188 snowpiercer Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited December 2020
    protoneous wrote: »
    It's entirely possible that I didn't look deeply enough into the mission simulator via the available tab. It was nice to get an auto hail though.

    Well, it isn't available anywhere for me. I've looked at all available missions. I just finished all the missions in the episodes before Cardassian Struggle and finished that entire episode too. Borg Advance is the next one and I've done the first mission. I do not have any "Galaxy at Large" missions. Where did you find these?

    I am level 38 now. I did Facility 4028 a long time ago on another account and it was way sooner than this, like level 15-20, I think.

    I will keep reporting what I find.

    {EDIT} I finished Temporal Ambassador and nothing has changed. I did not get a Task Force Operations mission and have no "Borg Front" entry. I have no Second Wave mission either. As I am KDF, could those missions not apply to my faction?
    Post edited by snowpiercer#1188 on
  • snowpiercer#1188 snowpiercer Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    Let me make it clear that there are NO missions for me in the "KDF Info" area. Every section contains a list of missions like in the screen shot above, but none are accessible.
  • snowpiercer#1188 snowpiercer Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited December 2020
    Here is another screen shot of what I get in the "Available" section.


    So the question is, how do you replay a mission as "Primary" that does not exist anywhere in the game? These "Available" missions appear to be only missions you can replay, yet there are none.

    As Tony Todd's Klingon character might say in the game: "THIS MAKES NO SENSE!"


    It just came to me: Do I perhaps have to play the missions under "Available - KDF Missions" before some of these will become available? I have been doing missions in Episodes, but not these.

  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,102 Arc User
    I think one issue could be your level - 38. The missions in this series originally had a level 43-44 requirement with the first mission in the series, Second Wave now listed as needing level 65.

    If I got it on a brand new toon created this month, I'm positive you'll reach it eventually as well.

    Also, the account this was achieved with this is quite new and was created after some missions were moved to the available tab so this isn't some "legacy" thing at work. I've never played these missions on this account before. Everything I did and exactly what happened is listed above.

    I'm really sorry I can't give you an exact answer as to exactly when or why they will become available, but did my best to prove that they (this mission series and many others) are all alive and well and living under the mission simulator at some point for you in the near future :smile:

  • snowpiercer#1188 snowpiercer Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    protoneous wrote: »
    I'm really sorry I can't give you an exact answer as to exactly when or why they will become available, but did my best to prove that they (this mission series and many others) are all alive and well and living under the mission simulator at some point for you in the near future :smile:
    No problem and I appreciate any and all help from you and others. I could have sworn, when playing this years ago, that this mission was a pretty low level, but I could be mistaken. I won't sweat it and will keep leveling and see what happens. Fortunately, this is about the easiest MMO to level I've ever played.

  • snowpiercer#1188 snowpiercer Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    westmetals wrote: »
    protoneous wrote: »
    I'm really sorry I can't give you an exact answer as to exactly when or why they will become available, but did my best to prove that they (this mission series and many others) are all alive and well and living under the mission simulator at some point for you in the near future :smile:
    No problem and I appreciate any and all help from you and others. I could have sworn, when playing this years ago, that this mission was a pretty low level, but I could be mistaken. I won't sweat it and will keep leveling and see what happens. Fortunately, this is about the easiest MMO to level I've ever played.

    That was changed when it was moved. The mission "Galaxy at Large" that I mentioned is an open mission that involves visiting Admiral Quinn. It should pop up when you hit level 65, and serves as an unlock for all the "available" story arcs.

    So your level is indeed the problem.

    (As you mentioned being KDF... there is an equivalent mission but I forget its name.)

    Okay, so I'm level 65. The mission is not there. There are only the missions listed that come from the current episodes. The same window with the same message is still there. In the "Available" missions screen, there are two tabs to the left: "KDF Missions" and "KDF Info". The info tab would appear to be where these old missions should be. There is an option there named "Available Missions" and, when opened, says:
    Episodes available for replay:


    There is also an option that says "Select different front" and this brings up what I think were the old episode lines. Dominion is there and produces the image I posted above. Nothing has changed since reaching 65. I cannot access ANY of the older missions that were once in the game. I can't do the Kobali mission line, the one you get the phaser crossbow or whatever it was.

    I sort of feel like if you didn't have an account before these were removed, that they cannot be accessed again.
  • snowpiercer#1188 snowpiercer Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    I decided to make a composite of all the missions so I could see them easily and I may have found it. In this shot, I noticed "Lost Dominion", no Task Force Operations. I also do not have a "Mission Simulator" option that I can find. I accepted "Lost Dominion" and it opened "Second Wave", so I think this may be it.

    Curious how people have such different options. I have a friend who has the Mission Simulator with the "Lost Dominion" heading and it contains Facility 4028.

    Will keep updating this if anyone is interested.


  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,102 Arc User
    I sort of feel like if you didn't have an account before these were removed, that they cannot be accessed again.
    This was disproven above as I got it on a new account that had never played the missions in question before.
    I accepted "Lost Dominion" and it opened "Second Wave", so I think this may be it.
    If you have Second Wave then you're on the series of missions that include Facility 4028.

    Story Arc: Lost Dominion

    Congrats :smile:
  • desilu#4957 desilu Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited December 2020
    To end the confusion of this thread...

    To access Lost Dominion, Cold War, or Spectres:
    • If the character is FED, ToS FED, DSC FED, or DomFED, complete Klingon War in its entirety AND be 65.
    • If the character is RomFED OR RomKDF, complete From the Ashes ~ Freedom in its entirety AND be 65.
    • If the character is DomKDF OR KDF, complete Empire ~ Fek'ihri Return AND be 65.
    This will satisfy the "Galaxy at Large" requirement for all factions.

    Lost Dominion will be under available missions, contacts: (Storywise it is after events of Cardassian Struggle)
    • Jorel Quinn - FED, TOS, DSC, DFED
    • Kererek - RFED, RKDF
    • J'mpok - DKDF, KDF

    Cold War will be under available missions, contacts: (Storywise it is after events of Borg Advance)
    • Jorel Quinn - All FED
    • J'mpok - All KDF

    Spectres will be under available missions, contacts: (Storywise it is during the Klingon War)
    • Jorel Quinn - FED, TOS, DSC, DFED
    • Tal'mera - RFED, RKDF
    • J'mpok - DKDF, KDF

    From only completing the required access quests you will not reach 65. If you want to sit idle and do the quests by story order, just log in daily and do duty officer missions to level up, and/or replay the missions you have completed.
    Track your accolade progress easily. MSExcel or Libre/Open office required.
    Mission Accolade sorting also included.
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