I'm not sure about anyone else, but I have been thinking it might be nice to have an "EV Suit" Slot in the BOFF and Players equipment.
The thought occurred as we currently carry around EV suits as an item that shares a slot with the armour. This can mean we have to carry several suits in the inventory as required, resulting in switching these out all the time when an episode/mission/TFO requiring one comes along for both the player and BOFFs.
Why not implement an mechanic similar to what we have with Ground Weapons, where we can have the EV suit in an slot separate from armour, but designated as "EV Only" and swap as required that way? You could use the same activation method as before or use an keybind instead (if preferred). I think it would make life significantly easier instead of hauling around suits and armour, swapping them out as situations demand.
Anyone else second this...?