they are supposed to be basically the same thing as the normal but a group so you can have a big swarm of pets. and newish we got them with cross faction support carrier pack.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
Yes, they were added with the new Support Carriers. They're not really better than the non-squadron versions; they're mostly a cosmetic alternative. Each 'fighter' is represented by 6 craft - so it looks like you have 36 fighters per hangar, but they have the same number of actual weapons as their singular counterparts.
Caitians pets(fighters and frigates) are locked to their carriers; the rest can be used on any ship. Romulan Scorps are via the Rom Rep. Jem fighters require the new JHV Support Carrier(fleet or C-store), or owning the older JHDC/JHSWE.
Squadrons are improved pets that fit into normal hanger bays. On a full carrier setup Squadron’s do much better damage output while looking much better cosmetically due to the swarm effect.
I've read outside of the game & in-STO chat that the squadrons are merely cosmetic & have the same abilities & such. Good to have the options though imo.
I've read outside of the game & in-STO chat that the squadrons are merely cosmetic & have the same abilities & such. Good to have the options though imo.
They are not just cosmetic. With the pet boosting traits and items they give much better DPS output.
Some ship trait bonuses attach to the launch pet command and if you have 3 flight deck boffs on active space duty some pets are instant re-cast giving you practically endless activation of that trait. One such example are the mokai pets that come with sarcophagus which are an instant recast at the cost of not gaining stars like other pets but you got them permanently buffed
Squadrons are improved pets that fit into normal hanger bays. On a full carrier setup Squadron’s do much better damage output while looking much better cosmetically due to the swarm effect.
At the moment the top DPS pets are all Squadrons.
Could anyone who tested that confirm?
From what I've read so far said the squadrons versions actually perform worse than the one-ship versions.
Squadrons are improved pets that fit into normal hanger bays. On a full carrier setup Squadron’s do much better damage output while looking much better cosmetically due to the swarm effect.
At the moment the top DPS pets are all Squadrons.
Could anyone who tested that confirm?
From what I've read so far said the squadrons versions actually perform worse than the one-ship versions.
The person telling you this tested and confirmed it. Squadrons are superior to the single ship version and are some of the best DPS pets in the game. Not sure where the rest of you are getting your information from but @pottsey5g knows his stuff.
Actually, the Discovery Constitution and D7 introduced the Squadrons before, you know Tactical Flyers, etc.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Squadrons are improved pets that fit into normal hanger bays. On a full carrier setup Squadron’s do much better damage output while looking much better cosmetically due to the swarm effect.
At the moment the top DPS pets are all Squadrons.
Could anyone who tested that confirm?
From what I've read so far said the squadrons versions actually perform worse than the one-ship versions.
Like a lot of pets Elite Squadrons perform worse then the basic blue version. Perhaps that is causing some confusion? The only Elite Squadron that didn't lose DPS when I tested was Stalkers which came out at the top pet on the fed side following by blue scorps squads in 2nd place and Jem Squads in 3rd place. I got a few 95k ish runs and one run at 115k DPS in my recent round of testing from Elite Stalkers (that DPS is hanger pets only). I can upload a screenshot of my combatlog if I can still find it. That was in my controlled testing grounds. You can get more then that in a good ISE run.
There is also a difference with unboosted pets and boosted pets which can cause a more confusion. The best pet unboosted is not the same as when you run boosts.
Like a lot of pets Elite Squadrons perform worse then the basic blue version. Perhaps that is causing some confusion? The only Elite Squadron that didn't lose DPS when I tested was Stalkers which came out at the top pet on the fed side following by blue scorps squads in 2nd place and Jem Squads in 3rd place. I got a few 95k ish runs and one run at 115k DPS in my recent round of testing from Elite Stalkers (that DPS is hanger pets only). I can upload a screenshot of my combatlog if I can still find it. That was in my controlled testing grounds. You can get more then that in a good ISE run.
Errr, yeah, that means Elite Squadrons still perform poorly... except in a worse way, because that means a lot of them have flat-out broken quality levels.
Also, weren't the Romulan Drone Ships and Orion Stingers somewhere in the top, as well?
Like a lot of pets Elite Squadrons perform worse then the basic blue version. Perhaps that is causing some confusion? The only Elite Squadron that didn't lose DPS when I tested was Stalkers which came out at the top pet on the fed side following by blue scorps squads in 2nd place and Jem Squads in 3rd place. I got a few 95k ish runs and one run at 115k DPS in my recent round of testing from Elite Stalkers (that DPS is hanger pets only). I can upload a screenshot of my combatlog if I can still find it. That was in my controlled testing grounds. You can get more then that in a good ISE run.
Errr, yeah, that means Elite Squadrons still perform poorly... except in a worse way, because that means a lot of them have flat-out broken quality levels.
Also, weren't the Romulan Drone Ships and Orion Stingers somewhere in the top, as well?
The same applies to none Squadrons. A lot of the single fighters are worse at Elite then as basic level although there are exceptions. Romulan Drone Ships are still great but they are no longer the best pets. Squadrons when boosted outperform Romulan Drone Ships.
Elite drones don’t suffer the DPS bug. So when testing Elite drones against Elite Squadrons drones are better. From what I remember blue Squadrons beat all drones.
Although it might be worth me retesting Drone ships against blue Squadrons. Pretty sure I did that. I have a lot of spreadsheet, will see if I can find the data later and if not will retest if you want me to?
It's because the new carriers are massive and look rather stupid just having a small flight of fighters.
I use the bigger pets on the KDF one, which by the way cloak too. It just feels better to me launching 4 big BoPs
I do both, more thematic for me having 2 BoP's as escorts and 2 fighter squadrons. I use the older BoP pets as my Carrier has a thematic turret build. The new BoP are beampets so don't get the bonus from cannon volley.
Yes I got a beamboat on the T6X Fleet Vo'Quv. Still using a torp for fun though. I do have the older BoPs too but they used to have problems with attacking from wide angles like all pets that used DHCs
Squadrons are improved pets that fit into normal hanger bays. On a full carrier setup Squadron’s do much better damage output while looking much better cosmetically due to the swarm effect.
At the moment the top DPS pets are all Squadrons.
They are not intentionally better - they are intended to be strictly cosmetic upgrades. Cryptic made mistakes in the weapon loadouts for some of the squadron pets which has led to them sometimes having improved DPS over their non-squadron counterparts... but again, it is pretty clearly a mistake as the weapons the squadrons use do not match the weapons their descriptions list for them.
Without the Superior Area Denial trait most of them are going to have the same general DPS as their non-squadron counterparts with the exception of the Jem'Hadar fighter squadron which will still be higher as it has an additional weapon (again, a clear oversight, not an intentional change).
Like a lot of pets Elite Squadrons perform worse then the basic blue version. Perhaps that is causing some confusion? The only Elite Squadron that didn't lose DPS when I tested was Stalkers which came out at the top pet on the fed side following by blue scorps squads in 2nd place and Jem Squads in 3rd place. I got a few 95k ish runs and one run at 115k DPS in my recent round of testing from Elite Stalkers (that DPS is hanger pets only). I can upload a screenshot of my combatlog if I can still find it. That was in my controlled testing grounds. You can get more then that in a good ISE run.
Errr, yeah, that means Elite Squadrons still perform poorly... except in a worse way, because that means a lot of them have flat-out broken quality levels.
Also, weren't the Romulan Drone Ships and Orion Stingers somewhere in the top, as well?
The same applies to none Squadrons. A lot of the single fighters are worse at Elite then as basic level although there are exceptions. Romulan Drone Ships are still great but they are no longer the best pets. Squadrons when boosted outperform Romulan Drone Ships.
Elite drones don’t suffer the DPS bug. So when testing Elite drones against Elite Squadrons drones are better. From what I remember blue Squadrons beat all drones.
Although it might be worth me retesting Drone ships against blue Squadrons. Pretty sure I did that. I have a lot of spreadsheet, will see if I can find the data later and if not will retest if you want me to?
Thanks for your hard work in testing and checking!
But oh my god, what a mess the devs have done with the pets. And that's not including the ever-present "-Get in the freaking hangar, Nebby! -lol no.*boops hull*" bug.
Errr, yeah, that means Elite Squadrons still perform poorly... except in a worse way, because that means a lot of them have flat-out broken quality levels.
I thought that too but you have to test with Superior Area Denial. Without this trait squadrons deal half the damage of regular pets and with it the deal more than double all of a sudden (also only works on the blue version of most squadrons - but pottsey pointed all that out very well in his reddit/dps league posts).
Pottseys guide is great but nothing for a small wallet . Budget builds also just for Klingons as SAD needs to be in the builds and will cost you an infinity ship to get on a fed toon.
Like a lot of pets Elite Squadrons perform worse then the basic blue version. Perhaps that is causing some confusion? The only Elite Squadron that didn't lose DPS when I tested was Stalkers which came out at the top pet on the fed side following by blue scorps squads in 2nd place and Jem Squads in 3rd place. I got a few 95k ish runs and one run at 115k DPS in my recent round of testing from Elite Stalkers (that DPS is hanger pets only). I can upload a screenshot of my combatlog if I can still find it. That was in my controlled testing grounds. You can get more then that in a good ISE run.
Errr, yeah, that means Elite Squadrons still perform poorly... except in a worse way, because that means a lot of them have flat-out broken quality levels.
Also, weren't the Romulan Drone Ships and Orion Stingers somewhere in the top, as well?
The same applies to none Squadrons. A lot of the single fighters are worse at Elite then as basic level although there are exceptions. Romulan Drone Ships are still great but they are no longer the best pets. Squadrons when boosted outperform Romulan Drone Ships.
Elite drones don’t suffer the DPS bug. So when testing Elite drones against Elite Squadrons drones are better. From what I remember blue Squadrons beat all drones.
Although it might be worth me retesting Drone ships against blue Squadrons. Pretty sure I did that. I have a lot of spreadsheet, will see if I can find the data later and if not will retest if you want me to?
Thanks for your hard work in testing and checking!
But oh my god, what a mess the devs have done with the pets. And that's not including the ever-present "-Get in the freaking hangar, Nebby! -lol no.*boops hull*" bug.
Just done a quick test. Elite Rom Drones in Bay 1. Blue Scorpion Squadrons in Bay 2. SAD active 100% uptime, I had to drop EptW for pets as I couldn’t see a way to get it on the Warbird. So the Scorpions will be lower then some of my other runs due to this. Also the Rom drones tagged the 2nd group of ships so I killed 4 ships instead of my normal testing of against 2 in the first run. Rom Drones tend to do that a lot more then Scorpion's. No Gravity Well used, I can retest with that if you like.
Run 1:
Elite Rom Drones 14,756 DPS
Blue Scorpion Squadrons 21,246 DPS
Run2: 2 ships only this time
Elite Rom Drones 17,969 DPS
Blue Scorpion Squadrons 20,872DPS
That’s all I have time for today. If you have requests I can do more on Sunday time permitting.
Would the Blue Scorpion Squadrons only be available if you have the new Rom carrier, it being equipped with them by default?
The only other way I knew to get them was via the Romulan Reputation, but those are the Elite/Ultra Rare versions (although I think there is still that consumable version of the Scorpion that goes in a Device slot floating around, which is Rare/Blue).
Would the Blue Scorpion Squadrons only be available if you have the new Rom carrier, it being equipped with them by default?
The only other way I knew to get them was via the Romulan Reputation, but those are the Elite/Ultra Rare versions (although I think there is still that consumable version of the Scorpion that goes in a Device slot floating around, which is Rare/Blue).
Not 100% sure. Did you try the hanger pet vendor at ESD? Its the person to the right where you change ships. That area.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
Caitians pets(fighters and frigates) are locked to their carriers; the rest can be used on any ship. Romulan Scorps are via the Rom Rep. Jem fighters require the new JHV Support Carrier(fleet or C-store), or owning the older JHDC/JHSWE.
At the moment the top DPS pets are all Squadrons.
I use the bigger pets on the KDF one, which by the way cloak too. It just feels better to me launching 4 big BoPs
From what I've read so far said the squadrons versions actually perform worse than the one-ship versions.
The person telling you this tested and confirmed it. Squadrons are superior to the single ship version and are some of the best DPS pets in the game. Not sure where the rest of you are getting your information from but @pottsey5g knows his stuff.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
There is also a difference with unboosted pets and boosted pets which can cause a more confusion. The best pet unboosted is not the same as when you run boosts.
Here is my older thread on testing.
I have done a lot more testing since then.
Thanks seaofsorrows.
Errr, yeah, that means Elite Squadrons still perform poorly... except in a worse way, because that means a lot of them have flat-out broken quality levels.
Also, weren't the Romulan Drone Ships and Orion Stingers somewhere in the top, as well?
Elite drones don’t suffer the DPS bug. So when testing Elite drones against Elite Squadrons drones are better. From what I remember blue Squadrons beat all drones.
Although it might be worth me retesting Drone ships against blue Squadrons. Pretty sure I did that. I have a lot of spreadsheet, will see if I can find the data later and if not will retest if you want me to?
I do both, more thematic for me having 2 BoP's as escorts and 2 fighter squadrons. I use the older BoP pets as my Carrier has a thematic turret build. The new BoP are beampets so don't get the bonus from cannon volley.
They are not intentionally better - they are intended to be strictly cosmetic upgrades. Cryptic made mistakes in the weapon loadouts for some of the squadron pets which has led to them sometimes having improved DPS over their non-squadron counterparts... but again, it is pretty clearly a mistake as the weapons the squadrons use do not match the weapons their descriptions list for them.
Without the Superior Area Denial trait most of them are going to have the same general DPS as their non-squadron counterparts with the exception of the Jem'Hadar fighter squadron which will still be higher as it has an additional weapon (again, a clear oversight, not an intentional change).
But oh my god, what a mess the devs have done with the pets. And that's not including the ever-present "-Get in the freaking hangar, Nebby! -lol no.*boops hull*" bug.
I thought that too but you have to test with Superior Area Denial. Without this trait squadrons deal half the damage of regular pets and with it the deal more than double all of a sudden (also only works on the blue version of most squadrons - but pottsey pointed all that out very well in his reddit/dps league posts).
Pottseys guide is great but nothing for a small wallet
Run 1:
Elite Rom Drones 14,756 DPS
Blue Scorpion Squadrons 21,246 DPS
Run2: 2 ships only this time
Elite Rom Drones 17,969 DPS
Blue Scorpion Squadrons 20,872DPS
That’s all I have time for today. If you have requests I can do more on Sunday time permitting.
In case you have not seen it although I do need to make some minor updates. There are a few ship sets that are missing.
The only other way I knew to get them was via the Romulan Reputation, but those are the Elite/Ultra Rare versions (although I think there is still that consumable version of the Scorpion that goes in a Device slot floating around, which is Rare/Blue).