I am interested in trying a pure Control Build for a Science Ship. This is just for fun; I'm not DPS chasing. I am not looking for Proc Chances at an increase, just flat numbers. Consoles are easy to see on the wiki. Deflectors, Sets, and stuff like that are more troublesome to compare. So, I am asking: what are the best pieces of Ship Gear to reach the heights of Control X?
The gamma rep 4 piece set has +control to it, but probably isn't worth doing. The 2 piece bonus for the dyson rep set also gives 20 control.
Fragment of AI tech space trait is part of the current angels wake lockbox (so there are probably a bunch on the exchange cheap) and gives a whopping 50 control and buffs energy damage based on your control, but it maxes out quickly. There is also the trait Psychological Warfare from the undine lockbox (probably a lot more expensive, hopefully you have an infinity trait box) that gives bonus control effectiveness.
As mentioned gravity well does max out at 400, however I don't believe any other control power has a maximum.
Hey, thanks, guys. There were some things that I missed listed there.
I had the RCS, the Braydon Warp Core, and the Field Exciter. I had also picked up a Weapon Sensor Enhancer a (+40), Retrofitted Assimilator (+30) couple of the Fleet Research Science Consoles (+39 each).
I would have missed the Bajor Deflector, having gone with the Reman one, which is weaker.
I already had Psychological Warfare trait, so I don't need to purchase that one. I did not, however, know about Fragment of AI. I didn't know about the K-13 Bridge Officers, either. The Control Cap is also new to me.
I do use Gravity Well. I also use Scramble Sensors, and Photonic Shockwave (with the bouncy DOff). I am thinking of adding (inverted) Tractor Repulsors and loading the ship up with Tricobalts.
My ship is already decked out now, but that may yet help someone else looking for the same thing.