I'm considering getting the above when I get the free ship token in a couple of weeks, and I was wondering two things:
- Does anyone have any general reviews/feedback on the ship as to whether it's a decent choice? I'm a Level 65 Fed Tac captain, for context.
- Do the weapons fire in a screen-accurate manner (ie: can I have torpedoes firing from the pod at the back as they do in First Contact)?
I'd strongly recommend getting either the Romulan Jhu'ael(for account-wide access to the trait) or the Engle(It's comparable and also has an interesting trait). The main tradeoff between the Engle and Alita, is that the former has a 5/2 weapon layout, 4 Tac consoles and Command Seating versus the Alita's 4/3 Weapon Layout with 5 Tac consoles and Pilot Seating(The Mirror Engle is kind of the best of both worlds along with an Intel Seat, but that's a lockbox ship). That said, you can get both at Fleet Level, so it's moreso a question of which one has the C-Store goodies/skin you like more.
As for the the weapons being screen accurate.. I confess I'm not sure. Probably my favorite part of the Akira Chassis is all the kitbashing/customization options.
Thank you.
It's interesting that you offer those other suggestions, because I'd already narrowed my choice down to either the Akira or the Jhu'ael. The Engle looks to be a capable ship stats-wise, but the look of the ship itself just doesn't do it for me. I've got a little while yet before I get the token (I missed one of the events almost entirely), so I'll do a little bit more research on the traits etc...
On the subject of my other question, I found a YouTube video of the Akira and it seems that, at least in the canon configuration, the torps do fire from where they're supposed to, so that answers that.
Keep in mind the Alita is part of a cross faction pack, though, so in that sense the Jhu'ael is better for that consideration if you don't want the whole pack. And of course you can work on getting the fleet version if that is an option for you.
Thank you.
Whichever I choose, my intention would be to end up with the Fleet version - I've got FSMs "in stock" from the various reputations for exactly that scenario.
No ship is 'behind the times' with a competent player in the Captain's Chair.
It's not that it can't be made effective, any T6 or T5 ship can get you through content, but if you're going to use the token or spend money and you only have the one shot, you should definitely get something better.
Honestly, the Alita is just not a very good ship. It can be made into something good enough of course, but for the same price you can easily get something far better.
Well it seems like the OP wants a ship that looks like it came out of a Star Trek movie/show. That is what I wanted when I redid my Alita build, and deliberately didn't go for the maximum power I could get out of it. However if they are going to grab the fleet version anyway, it is probably a better idea to grab a better ship with a good trait for the fleet Akira.
Its hard to offer suggestions on that line since we don't know what traits the OP has or how they intend to build the ship, or whether they are willing to get various bundles, but just not right now.
A short list for traits would be to get the Morrigu or Khopesh or Vandros (Khopesh and Vandros are probably better in bundles though) for useful traits, and if you want MOAR TORPEDO! flavor traits that aren't as good, the Earhart or Okhala. A torpedo trait that is very useful is Ceaseless Momentum but Feds can just get that off the exchange. The Romulan ships have Fed counterparts, but of course let you train your KDF with the traits too should you prefer.