The combat style hangars are reserved to larger ships, dunno what you mean by "temporal ship" but most ships have a standard shuttlebay only meant for non combat duties so one does not need a hangar to do mission that have your character use a shuttle.
In game hangars are an equipment slot and thus cannot be added or removed either you have one or you don't.
A shuttlebay at its most basic form is a room where a shuttle (or other similar size object) can rest and exit and those don't have to be much bigger then the shuttle itself, these exist only in lore for STO and are not shown in your gear. Hangars on the other need large support areas and the launch bays are just the tip of proverbial iceberg, thus only select few ships have hangars and its not you can just add when you feel like it.
because most ships don't, the default is no hanger. no it does not.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
In game hangars are an equipment slot and thus cannot be added or removed either you have one or you don't.