The Universe Class usually goes for 1.5 bil on the exchange (sometimes a bit cheaper, but usually stays stead at that price). Right now, Keys are selling at 6.8 million each. In order to get enough keys to sell to get 1.5 bill to get the Universe, would cost $250 for the zen it would take to get the amount of keys needed.
Thats $250 for ONE ship. For an extra $50, you get 10 T6's and 10 ship slots (the standard bundle). To me it seems that the legendary bundle is actually a pretty good deal.
lol.. it's a good deal compared to $250 for one ship?
So what? It's a better value then a total rip off?
If that's the logic you need to feed yourself to justify the purchase then have at it. In the end, the worth of a pack is entirely dependent on the individual. It depends on your current financial situation and how much entertainment value you personally would derive from that expenditure. If you think you'll get $300 of value out of the pack, then have at it. That's all that really matters.
You can look at it as 10 ships for 30000, 3k per ship which is not a great value given that other packs come in 3 ships for 6k or 9 for 12k, but is standard pricing for single ships.
You can also rate those ships as having higher individual value that makes that into a good deal.
Of course you probably don't want all of them either, which means the value of pack is diminished by each ship you really don't want.
If I bought this pack, it would be on sale. I wouldn't pay $300 for it. It's hard for me to justify paying almost $200 for it, but I'd be more likely to do that then buy it at full price.
lol.. it's a good deal compared to $250 for one ship?
So what? It's a better value then a total rip off?
If that's the logic you need to feed yourself to justify the purchase then have at it. In the end, the worth of a pack is entirely dependent on the individual. It depends on your current financial situation and how much entertainment value you personally would derive from that expenditure. If you think you'll get $300 of value out of the pack, then have at it. That's all that really matters.
You can also rate those ships as having higher individual value that makes that into a good deal.
Of course you probably don't want all of them either, which means the value of pack is diminished by each ship you really don't want.
How you weight everything is up to you.