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Looking for tips for carriers

smi3thsmi3th Member Posts: 218 Arc User
Just started playing carriers in the last week or so and I like them, but now I'm looking for strategies to make the fighter wings more effective.

1. What boff abilities help out your fighters? I know that boff abilities like cannon:rapid fire don't affect your fighters out of the box, because the Heavy Strike Wing Escort mastery trait allows that, ergo you don't get it without the trait.

2. Do things like tactical consoles on your main ship affect the damage your fighters do? What about their damage resistance from engineering consoles?

3. Are the fighters intended to be a primary source of damage or are they just a supplement to your main ship?

4. Any miscellaneous advice?

Thanks in advance.


  • seriousdaveseriousdave Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited July 2020
    1. General AoE buffs and such but without traits none. You can target and heal your pets individually but that's about it.

    2. Nope, nothing. There are dedicated things like the Swarmer Matrix that specifically affect hangar pets and a few perks in the skill tree but again that's about it. Pets are their own entity with their own set of stats and that's where it ends.

    3. Both cases are valid but you have to properly gear up for those. Like you can't expect you pets to do the work when you don't have the right traits, consoles and such. Or in the other case your ship alone won't be the top dog when all your skills and traits are used for supporting your pets.

    4. It strongly depends on the ship what's possible and what direction you should take. We have many carrier subtypes with vastly different stats which need very different appoaches for an efficient build.
  • szerontzurszerontzur Member Posts: 2,724 Arc User
    smi3th wrote: »
    4. Any miscellaneous advice?

    As you've probably gathered, Starship Traits are typically how you maximize your fighters these days. The four most notable traits are:
    -Superior Area Denial ('Relatively' cheap for KDF; gives your pets AoE weapon mods you use and applies a very substantial resistance debuff.)
    -Coordinated Assault (applies single-target weapon mods you use to your pets; quite nice for beam overload spam)
    -Target That Explosion (Not exclusive to fighter pets; causes your pets/allies to fire torpedos at your target when you use torpedo/command abilities)
    -Voth Carrier Synergies (Eng abilities give your pets damage immunity; Tac abilities give you a damage buff and give your pets a massive AoE drain - enough to shut down most ships' engines and sometimes shields as well)

    There are also some space traits, like Holographic Mirage Decoys, that help keep your pets alive, but starship traits are your main source of amplifying effectiveness of pets.
  • smi3thsmi3th Member Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited July 2020
    So there's no need to match energy types with the main ship, which is good. A little annoying that you have to buy starships for most of them, though Superior Area Denial might be available on the exchange, and I do have access to Coordinated Assault already. It sounds like with SAD and CA you want fighters that match the weapon type you have on your ship (beams or cannons) otherwise the boff ability will affect one and not the other.

    The Voth ability sounds really great... shame it's not from a Zen ship.

    I'm currently flying the Ighomas Multi-Mission on my KDF toons. Should I get the elite Gorn fighters or something else?

    My Fed toon has the Alita strike wing escort. So same question there: Upgrade to the best Peregrines, or something else?

    Also... how often do the slaver fighters actually steal things? Sounds like you might be able to make some extra cash with them.
  • szerontzurszerontzur Member Posts: 2,724 Arc User
    edited July 2020
    My favorite KDF fighter is easily the Orion Interceptor(they're super-quick/responsive, have tractor beams, and get a weapon/engine drain beam that reduces damage/defense of your targets), but that's locked behind the Orion Dacoit. Otherwise the Cardassian Yukawas are pretty good if you've got access to them. I haven't personally used the Gorn Heavy Fighters, but they seem 'decent'.

    As for the Alita, are you using cannons or beams? Peregrines or Scorpions are probably your main options if you're running Cannons. For Beams, with coordinated assault: Yukawas, shuttles, or elite fighters from the (fleet - if you don't have/want the C-store ship) Tellerite Pralim/Suliban Silik. The latter get two beam arrays per elite craft - so you'd get 12 beam overloads per hangar. Yukawas are 8 BO's per hangar and come with torpedos/spread and a lot more durability. Shuttles are very fragile, but give you 6 BO's per hangar.
    Post edited by szerontzur on
  • nightkennightken Member Posts: 2,824 Arc User
    smi3th wrote: »
    So there's no need to match energy types with the main ship, which is good. A little annoying that you have to buy starships for most of them, though Superior Area Denial might be available on the exchange, and I do have access to Coordinated Assault already. It sounds like with SAD and CA you want fighters that match the weapon type you have on your ship (beams or cannons) otherwise the boff ability will affect one and not the other.

    The Voth ability sounds really great... shame it's not from a Zen ship.

    I'm currently flying the Ighomas Multi-Mission on my KDF toons. Should I get the elite Gorn fighters or something else?

    My Fed toon has the Alita strike wing escort. So same question there: Upgrade to the best Peregrines, or something else?

    Also... how often do the slaver fighters actually steal things? Sounds like you might be able to make some extra cash with them.

    on slavers depends on rarity, don't even bother with common. even with elites they don't get much but the little bit they do get adds up over time. and if I'm remember correctly can steal a few thing you normally have to go out of your way for.

    combat wise their not great but their not bad either. no firing isn't great but you can fix that with traits. but the fact the have a beam mean they actually fire all the time with their main weapon compared to cannon using fighters that sometimes decide to only use the weakest weapon they got if that.

    if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
  • annemarie30annemarie30 Member Posts: 2,711 Arc User
    flight deck cruisers FTW. there isn't a better carrier in the game than the Discoprise. the tactical fighters are arguably the best pets in the game
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