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Can I save a character that is locked in a tutorial from 2012?

gileslestradegileslestrade Member Posts: 86 Arc User
I originally tried to play STO on PC back in 2012. Made a character, started playing, but never made it through the tutorial because I found the controls kind of clunky. Recently tried to play again, but he's stuck in a mission that doesn't exist any more. It's an old version of Assimilation on Vega with Commander Kelly and a Borg invasion. My HUD won't give me text hints on what to accomplish and commander Kelly doesn't talk to me anymore. Just went through the tutorial on a new character and got an entirely different episode on Vega called Assimilation of the innocent.

Is there any way to abort this mission and run through the new one or get him to continue somehow, or is he stuck in limbo and I should just delete the character?
Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,261 Arc User
    There are videos of the 2012 tutorial out there if you'd like to try and finish it without text hints but it may be easier to just start another character.

    I never like to advise anyone to delete a toon but there's been a couple posts over the past while in which folks have been stuck in the tutorial on toons created quite some time ago.

    Another option might be to contact customer service (put in a ticket) to see what they can do but what it really comes down to is unless it's an event character or otherwise unique what would you be losing by starting afresh?
  • gileslestradegileslestrade Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    Nothing unique - have already made 2 new characters. One FED, one KDF. And I've been playing on XBOX for several years, and that's where my main effort will be. Really just that I'd like to finish what I started if there's any way that I can.
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