So I really wanna play as a Gorn but I'm in love with the federation style of ship. Will Starfleet ever accept Gorn applicants to the academy? Alternatively, are there any federation-styled vessels you can obtain throughout a Gorn playthrough? Cross-faction ships that are maybe a little enterprise-ish?
That pretty much is it, apart from the timeships but those look nothing like the typical Starfleet design philosophy. there really isn't any ships that follow the design philosophy of either of the 2 major factions that's also avaible to the other.
At the moment only species in the base KDF roster that are also avaible to FED are the klingons themselves. You might seen what look like Orions in ESD but those are alien gen and won't have access to orion specific traits or outfits.
I had a look at the Alliance Battlecruiser, it does look pretty badass and from what I can tell it's about as close as a KDF faction toon is gonna get to helming a Federation ship.
It's cool that you can play a Federation Klingon, but I do hope some day Gorn get to do the same. Either way, thanks for the info!