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The Year of Klingon



  • sgtfloydpepper#7911 sgtfloydpepper Member Posts: 1,111 Arc User
    I don't play KDF consistently, but damn, I am very excited to see the upcoming changes! :D
  • nokubishru#9334 nokubishru Member Posts: 1 Arc User
  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 2,716 Bug Hunter
    edited June 2020
    sakessh wrote: »
    Please. Im begging you, no more Discovery Klingons...seriously.
    And for the love of God, an affordable K'tinga..

    Yea, I'll be one of the many who agree. In Enterprise which was 100 years before the time on Discovery, the Klingons looked as they did in TNG or the movies.

    Klingons change was a bad decision by Producers of Discovery, despite liking several other aspects. I realize everyone has a lot of opinions, and I would have been alright if a few smaller Houses had some previously unexplained genetic differences... ...yet they've done what they did and now all we can hope for is the best.

    For example we never saw a Romulan with a Beard before, and so that was at least nice to see, not to mention Spock himself having one.

    Many are also excited to see a Pike series as am I. I'm hopeful maybe in that series they might explain, a bit more why Romulans have several biological similarities far closer to Klingons, than that of the Vulcans! Dr. Crusher in a TNG Episode explained the Vulcan treatment failed for a Romulan, but the Klingon treatment worked. It might also explain why Romulans have Ridges on their Forehead whereas Vulcan do not.

    The one thing Enterprise did well, was explaining why TOS Klingons looked different, as a smaller percent were augmented and later banished. Why Enterprise Klingons looked the same as they did in TNG and beyond.
  • captaincelestialcaptaincelestial Member Posts: 1,927 Arc User
    How did we came on Fed worlds in this topic anyway? What my KDF main really needs is an actual formal real KLINGON dress that is also capable to show some assets ;)


    Power Girl would approve.
  • qultuqqultuq Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    edited June 2020
    New Stovokor Saturday is the new bridge chair.

  • voodoopokeyvoodoopokey Member Posts: 244 Arc User
    So I'm guessing this will be a year of minor cosmetic changes to old Klingon ships so they can be re-sold to players in various packs, and a couple of "Legendary" versions which are really the same thing as above, but with a different specialization and an MR6 account unlock trait.

    Probably two Klingon-focused episodes, a patrol or two, and a TFO or two as well.
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  • voodoopokeyvoodoopokey Member Posts: 244 Arc User
    -Hair textures
    -Skin tints

    Oh man, that's some exciting stuff right there. I can't wait for those extra three shades of brown and an extra braid.

    -Ships like the B'rel, K't'inga, and Vor'cha

    See, I feel like that falls under the whole "minor cosmetic changes to old ships" bit.. they'll update some old ships to T6 which, don't get me wrong, is always nice if the resulting ship is worthwhile and the looks are good, but it represents very little work on their part.

    -An updated Klingon tutorial

    Which existing players can (and probably do) skip. I mean, better is better but it's mostly going to be something existing players may try just to gawk at changes, or that the occasional new player one-and-dones.

    So no. It isn't just what you said.

    Fair enough, but it still doesn't sound like it lives up to the amount of hype they're dishing out. I hope I'm wrong.
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  • captaincelestialcaptaincelestial Member Posts: 1,927 Arc User
    Fair enough, but it still doesn't sound like it lives up to the amount of hype they're dishing out. I hope I'm wrong.


    there has been some sad replies regarding the "legendary" rom bundle that just made landfall.

    hell, there is one person who still insists on not buying it, but sides with cryptic about price, at least the sale price, as well as the "single ship buy option," and yet he still refuses to dish out funds to get it himself.

    so its safe to say that some 'meh' factor plays into this. and i dont think you are alone in your statement.

    Let's not forget the outrage about the huge Legendary bundle for Starfleet. People asked to be able to purchase individual ships.

    They listened and introduced a single Legendary ship that was featured in an episode in Star Trek's latest show. This definitely wouldn't be the only Romulan ship to get the Legendary ship treatment.

    Personally, the D'deridex is the worst of the Romulan ships of the line (barring ST: Picard's copy-paste Romulan fleet), but others think it's the best design. Either way, I'd bet that it would be the second one to get the Legendary treatment (with all the variants that the game has for it included for skins/costume pieces, consoles, etc.).

    What ends up happening is that it becomes a No-Win Scenario.
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  • joshmauljoshmaul Member Posts: 519 Arc User
    they'll update some old ships to T6 which, don't get me wrong, is always nice if the resulting ship is worthwhile and the looks are good, but it represents very little work on their part.

    All three of the ships mentioned have a T6, and two of them (the B'rel, in the form of the Kor, and the Vor'cha, in the form of the Vor'ral) are available on the store.

    Chances are, a Klingon "legendary" pack - since the previous two have already given ships/stuff that are only obtainable in Infinity R&D/DOff promotions (the regular and Disco Connies, the mirror Crossfield, the T'Liss, etc.) - will likely include the D7/K't'inga, maybe with the "Qo'noS One" pattern as an exclusive skin, a minor little tweak like they did with the Sovereign. Either that will be a one-shot deal, like with the Romulan pack, or they'll add a couple more, like the Fed one - like the Disco D7, and some Bird-of-Prey variant (maybe K'Vort, fire with the wings up?). Maybe some strange 25th-century upgraded take on a Disco ship. Who knows.
    "There's No Way Like Poway!"

    Real Join Date: October 2010
  • revanindustriesrevanindustries Member Posts: 508 Arc User
    A well-rounded KDF Legendary Pack could include: B'rel, D7 (can have several flavors), Vor'cha, Negh'var, and probably Sarcophagus
  • shadowkoshshadowkosh Member Posts: 1,688 Arc User
  • lordconn#9249 lordconn Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    In addition to changes to the Klingon stories and visuals, one semi-related thing they could do easily is allow a playable Klingon faction Ferengi. Even with Rom's "kinder, gentler Ferengar" it seems to me that a lot of Ferengi would be more comfortable with the Klingon way of doing things, especially DOFF missions. The Ferengi have a ship called a Marauder, but as Starfleet officers, they are forbidden to do any marauding. And there is certainly a lot of illicit profit involved when you work for the Klingons. I know I would be quick to create a KDF Ferengi, and I'm sure I am not alone, so if they care at all about increasing the ranks of KDF aligned characters, it would be a simple way to do it.
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  • oliverrogerr#5018 oliverrogerr Member Posts: 109 Arc User

    it is clear that there will be a legendary bumble for the Klingons, the doubt is it something Glorious like that of the federation, or totally modest like that of the Romulans?
  • joshmauljoshmaul Member Posts: 519 Arc User
    it is clear that there will be a legendary bumble for the Klingons, the doubt is it something Glorious like that of the federation, or totally modest like that of the Romulans?

    If I had to wager a guess, probably somewhere in the middle. Then again, the only details we've had about this whole hullabaloo are a couple of Twitter posts, so... who knows?
    "There's No Way Like Poway!"

    Real Join Date: October 2010
  • nightkennightken Member Posts: 2,824 Arc User
    joshmaul wrote: »
    it is clear that there will be a legendary bumble for the Klingons, the doubt is it something Glorious like that of the federation, or totally modest like that of the Romulans?

    If I had to wager a guess, probably somewhere in the middle. Then again, the only details we've had about this whole hullabaloo are a couple of Twitter posts, so... who knows?

    my guess is either just a pilot b'rel or a pack with the 4 iconic klingon ships plus the Bortasqu, really those at 200$ "normal" would be pretty much as good as we could hope for.

    a 10 pack isn't happening not even cause of cryptic's fed bias but because there just isn't that many iconic kdf ships, even with the other two d-7s, the Sarcophagus, and the d4x it still only comes to 9. granted I wouldn't complain if we some how got all 9 even at the same price as the fed 10 pack but some would and cryptic probably cares about that.

    if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
  • revanindustriesrevanindustries Member Posts: 508 Arc User
    Give me the B’rel as a Klingon Scout Ship and I’ll be over the moon. We have enough TAC heavy BoPs, I’d kill for a good Sci-BoP
  • nightkennightken Member Posts: 2,824 Arc User
    Give me the B’rel as a Klingon Scout Ship and I’ll be over the moon. We have enough TAC heavy BoPs, I’d kill for a good Sci-BoP

    I've said it before I'll say it again MW scout two pack with a k'vort and t-6 nova. though for legendary ships I'ld prefer a full pilot b'rel mostly because that the only way we're going to get one. and the k'vort is a perfect excuse to make a b'rel thats totally different then the normal line.

    if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
  • joshmauljoshmaul Member Posts: 519 Arc User
    nightken wrote: »
    my guess is either just a pilot b'rel or a pack with the 4 iconic klingon ships plus the Bortasqu, really those at 200$ "normal" would be pretty much as good as we could hope for.

    Hm, possibly. I mean, the Fed pack, we had three Connies, and we do have three D-7s (original, Disco, JJ-verse). Pilot B'rel is likely, although part of me was thinking K'Vort (basically bigger, more oomph to its weapons, and with non-moving wings). I had thought maybe a 25th-century update to the Sarcophagus, too... although what the heck would it look like, and for that matter, what the heck would we call it? "Mausoleum"? But I think your guess is better, it's more likely we will get another Bortas/Bortasqu' variant.
    "There's No Way Like Poway!"

    Real Join Date: October 2010
  • nightkennightken Member Posts: 2,824 Arc User
    joshmaul wrote: »
    nightken wrote: »
    my guess is either just a pilot b'rel or a pack with the 4 iconic klingon ships plus the Bortasqu, really those at 200$ "normal" would be pretty much as good as we could hope for.

    Hm, possibly. I mean, the Fed pack, we had three Connies, and we do have three D-7s (original, Disco, JJ-verse). Pilot B'rel is likely, although part of me was thinking K'Vort (basically bigger, more oomph to its weapons, and with non-moving wings). I had thought maybe a 25th-century update to the Sarcophagus, too... although what the heck would it look like, and for that matter, what the heck would we call it? "Mausoleum"? But I think your guess is better, it's more likely we will get another Bortas/Bortasqu' variant.

    seeing what they did to warship Voyager making a pilot b'rel and calling it the k'vort even if that doesn't really make sense is very much something they would do.

    I'm sure cryptic would love to update the Sarcophagus, but probably not enough to do it instead of their "iconic" kdf ship. and I think their smart enough to realize if they replaced an old favorite in a pack of old favorites with the new kid on block people would get upset.

    beside the d-7, b'rel, vorcha and Negh'Var already have modern and canon.. ish versions. they could make mo'kai version of any or even all of them. actually if the started a mission with new slightly "wrong" version of familiar ships attacking us it could be kinda awesome.

    if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
  • joshmauljoshmaul Member Posts: 519 Arc User
    So our first patch update for the "Year of Klingon" is coming tomorrow.... innnnnteresting.
    "There's No Way Like Poway!"

    Real Join Date: October 2010
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