Hello everyone, I need an advice please. I'd love to run a torp build on my Tzen-Tar but sadly I'm not very good at creating new builds. Does anyone know if there is a decent build uploaded which I can take as a good start? Also, I guess, it's not worth it to run an EPG build like on sci torpedo boat? What's the best stat to stack than? Crth/crtd? Thank you kindly for any help.
A fleet mate of mine.. @peterconnorfirst recently posted his Kinetic Tzen-Tar build and it's quite an impressive build.
It's a very high end build, so you might not be able to just copy it, but I am sure you can pull some ideas from it. You can find the build here.
Hopefully, that helps at least give you some ideas.
Indeed, I'm in luck!
The Tzenkethi Dread is surely one of the most powerful starships in STO. I went for more of a niche build here with torpedoes and mines but between the fire at will nerf a few seasons back and the successes of kinetics from @pottsey it felt like a safe bet to take a risk and invest the recources. It worked out for me and getting in the 200-300k DPS reach in an average L-R ISA/E is not hard with the displayed layout. Especially in Elite the tiny bit slower kinetic weapons aren’t a big deal as we finally have enough HP to melt for all in team.
In light of the versatility and access to the good stuff (MW powers) of that ship conventional approaches with cannons/DEW work great as well of course. Here is the example build of the STO league:
And here the one from Sea with AP guns:
You made a good choice with the ship OP, no matter how you intend to set it up.
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The disruptor DHC build is the one I'm using on my Vaadwaur Jugger, and it's indeed a true space vakuum cleaner ship. Actually it's the one I'm enjoying the most atm, and yet I'm open for trying something new. Jugger is an incredible ship but it's a bit slow. Tzen-tar is much faster even for it's size! And it has the power to punch it. Also, I quite enjoy the torp build on my Jellyfish, and yet it's not the same one because I go for space magic on my sciscort. So Tzen-tar will be a bit different from what I've played before and yet the playstyle that I truly enjoy. The only thing I've never tried yet are the mines. I usually stack the back weapons with turrets or omnis. I'm not even sure what range do those mines need. So I'm already excited about practice. I've already collected the most of the gear, so it will be the great day for me to try out this setup. Concerning doffs, just a quick note. I guess it's worth using Kelti Aruu with a stacking 5% torp buff too. The other two of my projectiles officers are the usual ones though.
Also, you have my thanks for sharing the AP build. That's what I need for another ship of mine. I'm trying to build the AP setup with herald weapons, but I might try the other ones too. I'm also using the AP torpedo with spread and concentrate fire in this build. Not sure if it's worth it, but lets see.
Hi Vongraven,
The AP build is one of mine so I'll try and answer as best I can. First, given a choice.. I prefer crafted AP over Herald because I like the proc better on Crafted. Crafted AP has a built in 20% critical Severity where the Herald beams trade this bonus for a small percentage chance to add a Cat 1 Buff that can stack up to 3 times. The build linked is on a Romulan running all bridge officers that have the Superior Romulan Operative trait to push Critical Chance as high as I can get it. Because of that, the built in 20% Critical Severity is far more of a boon then having a 2.5% chance to add a small Cat 1 buff which is already pushed quite high on this build anyway. This is just my own preference, but personally.. for AP, I prefer Crafted over any of the other options. It also happens to be the cheapest route to just craft some Mark II Beams and upgrade them.. so it's a win/win for me. That being said, if you already have upgraded Herald AP Weapons.. the difference is probably not worth scrapping upgraded weapons and starting over. If you have them and you like them.. you should absolutely use them. They're good weapons, just not my favorites.
As for the Torp, as you can see.. I don't use a Torp in my build which is pretty common for me. If you want to mix in the the AP Torp, that would be perfectly fine. If you did this.. on the Skills, I would remove the 3rd point from Advanced Targeting Systems, and remove rank II and rank III from Improved Defensive Maneuvering and put all 3 of those points into Projectile Weapons Training. You could swap out Kemocite for your Torpedo Spread and that should work fine. The build posted is provided to give some ideas on direction if you wanted them.. it can absolutely be adapted for any changes you wanted to make. You can take as much or as little as you like.. whatever helps you build the ship that's the most fun for you. Torps are a good flavor and they add more of a cannon feel to ships.. I just don't personally care for them so they aren't in my build.
Hello @seaofsorrows and cheers for sharing your experiences.
Concerning the torp - the ship with a command seat is just begging to get one.
They are all [CrtD]x3 [Pen] with the [CrtD/Dm] Mod at Epic.
Pen is very good, I don't know much about Rapid, I usually don't bother with it.
Ah yeah, missed that somehow. I was wondering which crafted proc is better, so that's the answer. One more question about hangars. Both builds use the nausicaan stingers. Are those better than other hangar pets?
The Stingers are very high DPS Pets and are usually the recommended 'Go To' on the KDF Side yes. They're quite good.