Hi, I've recently come back to STO after months of well... lots of crazy things happening in life, most of it hasnt been good times to say the least, but the one good thing was having a kid, so ive had barely any time at all for gaming, but now ive got more of a routine that allows me some personal time, i came back only to discover that the chance to get one of my top most desired ships may have been and gone
So id just like to know have I truelly missed my chance at getting the ship or am i missing something I need to do for it to become availabe to aquire? Im really hoping its the latter.
Since the 10-pack was very specifically meant for the 10th Anniversary, I think it will return, but maybe not be exactly the same. But return it likely will, as, business-wise, it would be a waste to spend so much time on it, and then forego on a redo of such a relatively easy cash-grab.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'